Chapter 2: Definitely Glowing.

Start from the beginning


I pulled out a card from the back of my wallet and showed it to the front desk. I looked away, slightly embarrassed that I didn't have cash on me.

Marina: "Oh, it's fine (Y/N). By the look on your face, I can tell you didn't know there was a fee. Since it's only you, today's practice session is on me."

I bowed and thanked her, fully intending to pay for this session next time I had money.

Marina: "Oh, your instruments are already in Studio 1. I put them there after your.. accident yesterday. Feel free to practice whatever you'd like."

Ah, I forgot about my instruments! She must've taken them when I was out cold yesterday. At least I don't have to worry about carrying two instruments around.


I stepped into the room labeled 'STUDIO 1', making sure to close the door behind me. I turn around and take a look at my surroundings. Despite being filled with speakers and equipment the room was quite spacious, allowing bands to practice whatever they wanted. The room was quiet, which was probably the walls. In the middle of the room was a very standard setup, with a drum set, keyboard, guitar, bass guitar and a center microphone set up for practicing. On the side, like Marina mentioned, was my bass guitar and guitar.

(Y/N): "There you are.."

I quickly grabbed my guitar and my pick and set it up. I grabbed a chair from the side of the room and a bottle of water from my bag.

(Y/N): "It's been a while."

I strike a chord and immediately cringe at the obviously untuned guitar in my hands.

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, forgot I had to do that."

Relaxing from the excitement of playing guitar for the first time in a while, I quickly tune the guitar and strike the chord again, this time much more satisfied.


After playing a few more chords, I grab my phone and my earphones. I start playing (insert j-rock song here) while I played the chords on the guitar. The part for rhythm guitar was pretty simple so I was given a majority of the vocals. It was fine, the vocals and music suited your rather powerful vocals. I also sing my part, but not as loud as I'd like it, probably due to what happened yesterday.


What time is it? It's been a while. School should've ended by now. Good thing (S/N)'s at home.

Suddenly, a text message interrupts my thoughts. I have a vague idea of who it is but I still pick up the phone.

I: We'll be there in about 10 minutes 😅
R: seeusoon

I chuckle at their radically different styles of texting but quickly looked up from my phone. Good thing I didn't unplug anything. I stand up from where I'm sitting and go to set up the rest of the instruments. I also grab 4 other microphones and set them up beside the other instruments. Just when I finish setting up the last microphone...


R: "Ooh.. So this is where we'll be practicing~"

I: "Wow. It's so spacious!"

N: "It really is.."

O: "Oh (Y/N), you've set up everything already?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I arrived a bit earlier than you guys and decided to set everything up."

Running in CiRCLES (Male!Reader x Bandori) [ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now