Dadi's pov:

I knew he was disturbed but the way he didn't even notice me just pinched my heart, that made me realize how much pain he's going through. How much ever I try to sooth his pain but I fail! I know what he goes through each day when he just wakes up from his sleep in the morning. "Huh" sleep! The nightmare that he usually sees, I doubt will it ever leave his side. I'm scared if he doesn't gets out of his past he'll push himself into more darkness, although he's already living in. He needs someone to hold on to him to get him out of his past, which is filled with rage, pain , hatred, angst. Someone has to be in his life to break the walls that he has build around him, to heal the wounds that are still uncured, to listen to his pain that is yet unsaid, to set him free from the long lost past that he's still holding on, which doesn't allows him to be himself. I want him back the way he was before that incident. This is not him, he's not the Manik I've seen growing up, he's changed to his worst and it hurts me to see him like this but I'm helpless. Oh God please send someone who can pacify his tormented soul which is completely destroyed, someone who can make him at peace and teach him to live life as it should be lived. Will this ever be possible in my life?

Seher's pov:

Although it didn't start with a bad note but it was a horrible day at the end. Yeah I've been through much horrible things in my life but it's long that someone has spoke to me like the way he did today. Correction yelled at me. I cannot understand why this man has to be so impulsive all the time. What was the matter today I can't figure out till now, why the hell did he blast on me like I've done some crime. He could've atleast heard me once before getting into that hulk mode. Why is anger always on his nose point? He seriously needs someone to make him a cool headed and teach him that not everything can be sorted out with angst. Ya Allah please put in his mind that just because he's angry doesn't gives him the right to be cruel to anyone. Why doesn't he thinks before reacting that how the other person would feel, they also have a heart, they can also feel bad, get hurt.


"Wake up you lazy head" Manik shouted entering Mukti's room and throwing a cushion on the latter.

"Bhaaii" mukti spoke waking up from her beauty sleep stretching her arms in the air.

"What Bhai..han? It's 8.30 and you're still in the bed.... I've taken A day's off for you.. and you..." Manik said keeping his hands on his waist.

"Oh freak.....I forgot..." Mukti spoke with wide open eyes.

"Huh....What....? you forgot!!! I can't believe had asked for it and you yourself forgot.... Mukti you're impossible.....I mean you wanted me to take an off so that you can spend time with me and now you're telling me you forgot" Manik replied with an unbelievable expression.

"Sorry Bhai..." She said in a sugary tone with a sheepish smile "But bhai it's not my apki he galti"
she spoke in a complaining tone.

"What..? Meri galti!!! and how is it so ... would you explain me" he asked with his thick eyebrows raised.

"Look bhai....aap kabhi office se off lete he how would I remember that you're home today" mukti replied with narrowed eyes shrugging her shoulders.

"Mukti" Manik said in a stern voice.

"Acha..acha... ok sorry" she said holding her ears.

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