Chapter 5 - Hopscotch

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"Everyone here yet?" Robert mingled around, holding his phantom of the opera mask.

"No, Tom and Y/n haven't arrived," Scarlet looks around the party.

"Look who showed up!" Chadwick clasps a hand on Chris Hemsworth's back. "I thought you were in Australia?"

"Holiday here with the family, have you met my wife?" Each cast member got comfortable, greeting and introducing themselves to those they haven't met.

"There he is!" Liz and Mark walk up to Tom who held a bottle of wine, Bobby by his side sniffing the air excitedly.

"Looking great, Tom,"

"Thank you, Mark,"

"Let me guess... Thomas Sharpe?"

Tom let out that iconic laugh and shook his head. "No, Victor Van Dort from Corpse Bride," He points down to Bobby who was on a leash. "This is Scraps, or Bobby out of character,"

"Let's take the cutie to the garden," Tom thanks Elizabeth as he greets the others, surprised by Chris' presence and walking to the beautifully trimmed garden.

"Hopscotch!" The main group turns to the door where you stood, full costume, veil falling in front of your face. "That looked way cooler in my head,"

"Always the one to out shine us," Benedict chuckles, passing by and giving you a hug as Sophie kissed your cheek.

"You know it," winking at the couple they continue on their journey to the snack table. "Sup losers,"

"Who is this?" Evans plays with Cerberus.

"This is scraps..." you fiddle with the labelled collar. "But her real name is Cerberus," You look sternly at Cerb. "Cerb, sit," She does. "Roll over," Again, she does so. "Play dead!" She sits still tilting her head. "Ok, play dead out of character," She drops on her back and sticks out her tongue.

"Not even Tessa is that well trained," Holland laughs, handing you his drink and taking it back once he gave Cerb a good pat.

"I have a lot of time between shoots," Suddenly, a few start to crowd her, a whine escaping the dog as she hid under your dress.

"Anxiety?" Robert coos in understanding.

"A little, but she has her blanket," holding up the blanket you hold it in front of the slit she slipped through. "Who wants Hades?"

Cerb peaked out and took the blanket into her mouth before hiding again. "She's so cute!" Zendaya had spotted the dog. "Love the corpse bride,"

"And yet you still look better than me," you gesture to her Pennywise costume.

"Oh stop," she playfully slaps your shoulder before walking over to Jake.

"The garden is this way," Scarlet takes your hand as you stumble, trying to move Cerb with her under your dress.

"This is beautiful," You sigh in amazement at the decorated garden and blooming flowers. "Look, Cerb, look at them," you tug at her leash.

"Y/n!" Liz waves you over, letting your eyes fall on Tom who was playing with Bobby.

"H-hey," You wave as Scarlet nudges you forward. "Yeah, yeah," lifting your dress you let Cerb out as she whines and tries to run back into layers of fabric until she spots bobby. "Look at- Woah!"

Cerb and Bobby dash towards each other, both you and Tom being pulled together until you tripped over a stone. Thank god you were caught... but it just had to be Tom who catches you! Cliche much?

"Are you alright?" He chuckles, letting you stand up straight again.

"Yeah, it just seems Cerb really likes-" The two starts to chase each other, the leashes seemingly never ending until you and Tom were tied together. Faces inches apart, it seemed everyone was watching from the large glass doors.


"Yeah..." If it wasn't so dark he would have caught the burning red in your cheeks. "I- uhm," you look to your leash then to Cerb who was grinning madly with Bobby. "Cerb..."

The dog barked twice, whining when she saw your disapproving look. She slipped around to your hand, knowingly pulling you and Tom closer. Obviously taking her time as she moved her collar up to your hand.

"Good girl," Unlocking the leash it zipped shut, untangling you from the actor. "Sorry about that... she's never that excited,"

"I'd say the same about Bobby because he's usually a little more polite," he says while unlocking his leash and letting you dust off the dress you wore. Cerb nudges you back to Tom before strutting away with Bobby, holding her blanket tight.

"Sorry," You push yourself off Tom. "She is definitely not sleeping on the bed tonight."

"Oh, don't take it out on her," he smiles, rolling up his leash and placing it on the basket provided. "You... You look lovely,"

"So do you... Thomas Sharpe?" You were finally able to admire his hair, now back to its raven black.

"Everyone keeps thinking that but no... I'm Victor Van Dort,"

"Corpse bride? That makes this a couples costume," Why don't you think about your words before speaking? "I- I mean, not couple, like buddy, friend costume of... of a couple and-"

"Yes, friends," Tom coughs before stepping back, allowing more space in between you two.

"Yeah..." Awkwardly playing with your veil, you both open your mouths to speak but close it to let the other talk.

"Did... Would you like a drink?"

"That sounds good," eyes kept to the ground, you look up for a spilt second to see everyone staring out the window before averting gaze and getting back to what they were doing.


I've always wanted to write something like this

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I've always wanted to write something like this... Even though its a cliche

- Anna ❤️

He's just a flirt!: Tom Hiddleston x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now