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When we arrived at the bar, the song was playing very very loud, and a bunch of people were outside talking and drinking, when we stepped inside, the lights blinded my eyes for a second. When my sight came back, I found myself in the middle of a crowd of people dancing laughing and probably drunk.

   -- Yeah, this is absolutely not my style. -- I said.

   -- Come ooon let's go get a drink, ok? -- Rose said, and before I could say anything she rushed over to the counter and she asked for two beers.

   -- Don't we need to show anything to prove we're over 21, or something? -- I asked her.

   -- No, not here. -- she said before the man came back with the two beers and handed her the two beers, and passed one to me.

   -- You do know that I don't drink, right?

   -- You do tonight. Come on Lis, from everything that you've told me, you'll only have fun if you're at least slightly drunk.

   -- Rose, I'm serious, if I come back home drunk, my mom will kill me.

   -- To get drunk you need to drink more than one beer, and I promise I won't let you get drunk. You only get drunk if you want to.

   -- I hope so. Have you been here before?

   -- Once or twice. -- she said, sipping on her drink. Then realized Jisoo and Jen didn't come with us.

   -- Hey, where are Jen and Jisoo? -- I asked.

   -- There. -- she said pointing at the dance floor.

I looked at the direction she was pointing at, and there they were ,dancing, and Taehyung and Jin were there too. Dylan was dancing with a blonde girl close to the dj.

   -- Wow, everybody seems to be having a good time. -- I said.

   -- Yeah, are you sure you don't want to join them?

   -- Not yet.

   -- Can I get you guys anything else? -- the man behind the counter asked us.

   -- Two shots of tequila, please. -- Rose said.

   -- Ok, right away. -- he said before he turned around to get our drinks.

   -- Tequila? Are you kidding? -- I scolded her.

   -- It's just a shot, Lis. Trust me.

   -- Fine, just one shot.

   -- Maybe two? -- she said. I looked at her so that she would understand my answer, because if I open my mouth I'm gonna say somethings I don't want to say. -- Lisa, please, I really want you to have fun tonight, and if you keep on thinking so much, you won't be able to do that.

   -- Rosie I don't think- -- the man came back with thr shots and Rose asked for two more.

   -- Come on, 1.. 2.. 3.. go! -- she said and we took the shot. It felt like pure alcohol and it tasted horribly. My throat started to feel hot and I started to cough, while Rose laughed.

   -- Shut up. -- I said after recovering from my little cough attack.

   -- Come on, are you actually gonna say it isn't fun? -- she said and we both started laughing, I don't know why I laughed since what she said wasn't that funny, sorry Rosie.

   -- Here are the two shots, want anything else? -- the man said, putting the glasses on the counter.

   -- Nah, that's all. -- Rose said. She counted to 3 again and we took the shot, it was the same feeling, it only made me feel even more hot so I took my jacket off, and put it around my waist.

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