Nate and Wayne worked to get her to be responsive by performing CPR and trying to make her throw up the pills.

Luckily, the EMS was here in no time. They did just as Wayne and Nate did and managed to wake her up long enough to talk to her. One of them came up to me to ask some questions, and I told her everything that I knew. Which was really nothing.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked, wiping my eyes.

"She's gonna be fine, Mr. Jackson. We're gonna keep her for twenty-four hours, or at least until she's really awake. If we see any signs of depression or thoughts of suicide, we're going to keep her on suicide watch."

I nodded. "Okay." We shook hands. "Thank you so much."

A few minutes later Raye was lifted onto a stretcher and carried out of the room. Nate insisted that he'd go and make sure that she's being taken care of, and I thanked him for that. I would've went if my job allowed me to. I didn't want to rile anyone up and make them forget about the real emergency. And I can only hope that the media wouldn't be tipped off, because it'd be certain that they'd turn this into a news issue. I didn't want that.

I sat on the bed sighing in distress and sadness. Bill came and patted my back in comfort.  "She's gonna be alright, Joker."

"I hope so." I laid back. "I don't understand what lead her to do this. I could've helped where I could. If Raye was ever having thoughts, I wouldn't have her here working as hard as she is. She'd be at home with her family, healing and getting her peace of mind back."

"Sometimes people feel like they don't want to burden others with their problems, and they suffer in silence to avoid it. I'm sure that she didn't mean to keep something like this away from us," Bill said, being the voice of reason that I needed. I have so much respect for Bill, because he always knows what to say. If he wasn't here, I don't know how I'd deal with the mess in the media.

"Just pray for her and hope for the best" he started to stand. "I'll go let the others know."

Before I could respond, he left out of the room leaving me alone.


Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Annalisa Green -- July 22nd, 1994
Location: Avenida Alemania, Punta Cana 23000; Tommy Hilfiger clothing store

Annalisa Green -- July 22nd, 1994Location: Avenida Alemania, Punta Cana 23000; Tommy Hilfiger clothing store

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Today was the last day of the tour. Tommy treated us with a life supply of clothes, five hundred thousand dollars each, and he also signed Missy to be the leading face of the next collection. Of course she was hesitant because she ultimately wanted to do music, but I encouraged her to do both. I think that it'll be good for her.

Liza Minelli and Kidada and Rashida's mom, Peggy surprised us on our last day of tour. I was still in shock that the Liza Minelli, knows my name! I couldn't wait to tell Michael all about this!

We all took a few pictures being all smiles to keep the cameras from suspecting anything that was 'tabloid worthy'. I still wasn't comfortable with Rashida still being here while Angel was, but Rashida showed no signs of being a threat, so I guess I had nothing to worry about.

"Thank you so much for coming," I hugged them both in gratitude. "I hope you loved the clothes."

"I love them a lot, Annalisa." Liza grinned. "I don't usually wear these types of clothes because I'm shy" I giggled. "but I will definitely wear them for you."

"I appreciate that, Liza. Thank you again."

She kissed my cheek and walked away to talk to Tommy. Peggy began to talk to her daughters so I excused myself back to our table. Madeline and Angel were sitting there talking amongst themselves.

"Are you having a good time?" I asked, picking up my drink.

"Yeah, but, something happened back at the house," Madeline replied. A small glint of worry flashed in her eyes.

My heart dropped. "What happened? Is Michael okay?"

She heard the worried tone in my voice and quickly nodded her head yes. "He is, Ana, of course!" I breathed out a sigh of relief. "Bill called me and said that Raye is in the hospital."

"Really? What happened?" I asked as Angel gasped in shock.

"He says he doesn't really know, but Michael found her unresponsive in the bathtub in one of the guestrooms. He was on his way to the hospital when he called me, so I guess he'll keep me updated." I opened my mouth, but she continued. "And he said not to worry, but to try and show her some love when we get back."

"Well I was already gonna do that!" I pouted. "I have to talk to her about it. She could be battling something internally that we don't know about."

Madeline nodded. "Yeah. I'm gonna talk to her about it too."

Angel shook her head sadly. "Raye is such a sweetie pie. I wonder what's goin' on down there."

"Yeah, what drove her to her breaking point?"

I sighed softly. "I guess we'd have to see when we get there. For now, let's let Bill handle it and just have a good time. We all deserve it."

Lifting up my glass, I toasted with them before pulling them up to drag them where the dj's booth was to dance.

Although starting this tour was a rough one, and it caused a very great friendship I had to end abruptly, I've had the best time with the one's I truly adore. My true friends and family was here to celebrate life with me, and to share my success. There's nothing better than that.

I've sold more clothes than I can count and gained a bunch of fans worldwide. And it wasn't possible without Tommy. I don't know how I can ever repay him for giving me an amazing opportunity such as this one. And it's also because of Kidada and Rashida. Yes, we have our issues, but I'll never forget the times where she was an amazing friend to me. Even if we will never be friends again, I will always love her for helping me see my potential in the modeling world and the fashion industry as a whole.

Now, I can't wait to see what this little bit of fame has to offer. Good and bad.


Yes, this was short, but i expect a shit ton of welcome back comments. Expeditiously. 💀

Happy New Year's Day to you all. I hope you had a great start of the new year. ❤

I have nothing much to say today, but I really hope you enjoyed tonight's chapter. There will be more to come soon. 🥰

I love you guys, stay groovy. 🤘🏾❤✌🏾

- nae 💋

A Place With No Name (revamped)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें