♤Scarf- pt.2♤

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Jk lol. Bet you fell for it.

The real warning is how obnoxiously long this chapter is.
Narancia snickered and chuckled, Fugo wanted to slap him in the face but unfortunately, they were in public.

"I swear, if you say any word of this, I will personally hunt you down and throw you down a volcano."

Narancia snickered again.

"Yeah okay, LOVER BOY." Narancia proceeded to laugh at his own joke. Fugo had enough of this.

He found a nearby locker and shoved the boy in it. The imbecile who owned it forgot to lock it.

"HEY FUGO IM SORRY LET ME OUT!" Fugo pretended not to hear him, of course he wouldn't stay in for long since the person who owned that locker would take him out eventually.

Fugo sat on a bench and examined the scarf he was given, it had a trail of strawberries going down the middle. Of course Giorno must've noticed his earnings then.

Fugo sighed.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" It's not like it's winter, let alone cold at all.

He won't be able to wear this at all, he'll have a freaking heat stroke. He scratched his head.

Maybe he'd just have to deal, he didn't want to hurt Giornos feelings, nor did he want a sucker punch to the face from that girl, he was grateful he really was, but he just wasn't good with gifts.

Come to think of it, this is really all Narancias fault. Oh that little vermin.

So, Fugos options narrowed down to two, either wear the scarf, or don't. Fugo may have some...slight anger issues, but he's not evil.

He decided to wrap the scarf around him, sure it was boiling hot, but it was still pretty cozy. He could use it as a pillow if the time came.

How many years has Giorno been doing this anyways? He seemed to be experienced.

He sighed, he'll thank Giorno when he gets the chance.

_____ With Giorno _____

After he and Jolyne parted ways, he went straight to his locker, he felt there was something he had forgotten, so he was going to go check.

When he reached and opened his locker, he didn't really expect what he saw in it.

"GIORNO YOU DIETY THANK YOU!" Narancia thanked him.

"Um, no problem? Who stuck you in there anyways?" He asked, more than a little bit curious.

"It was that monster of a man Fugo! He shoved me into here because I made a little joke! Can you believe that he's so mean!" He whined.

"Ah um, yeah. Well speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to be close friends with him right?" He asked.

"Yeah we're close, why do you ask?" He responded.

"Just wanted to know." Giorno smiled a satisfied smile.


Fugo sat uncomfortably on the bench he encountered Giorno on.

"It's so damn hot." He pulled on the object, trying to cool off or something by doing so. Though it didn't help. He sat there for a few more, unpleasant moments. He scowled a bit.

"How the fuck am I supposed to put up with this?!" He shouted, tearing the scarf off of him. He wanted to throw the damn thing on the floor and squash it until it was flatter than his ass.

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