"I don't want you to go home, you're my best friend" he says and I almost tear, he's so sweet.
"Jae it's only September... can we not think about June right now?" I ask him and he nods.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR" I scream. I'm desperate. I look bad in everything. The three girls in the room just stare at me.
"Soph what's the problem?" Addi asks gently.
"I look bad in everything, there will be so much people and all the girls are fucking models, I look like a trashbag" I say while tearing up. It might seem stupid but I have always been so insecure about my appearance and being surrounded by all this beautiful girls doesn't help it. Plus I got my period today so I'm even more emotional right now.

"Soph, I'm telling you this right now because I really believe it ok? You are stunning. I swear to you that those girls think the same about you. Last month at the pool party, all eyes were on you. You got people who don't even know you simping and drooling all over you. Whatever you wear you look gorgeous, now me and the girls will help you decide what to wear and you'll look bomb ok? Might find your first boyfriend in here ok?" Nessa says while sitting next to me and Addi and Mag nod. I hug her tight.
"Ok let's get ready" I say getting up.

I end up wearing a black mini dress in satin with a pair of Jordan 1, my hair are straight and Nessa did my make up. It's a natural makeup with a lil bit of eye shadow and mascara. I feel pretty.

The girls are stunning. Addison is wearing jeans and a crop top, mag is wearing a leather skirt with a top and Nessa is wearing a red dress. We look bomb.
We take a couple pictures and then we go downstairs to help the others finishing to set up everything.

As we go down we have 10 pair of eyes looking at us. Josh goes to Nessa and kiss her. That are so cute. We start chatting while setting up.

"Hey" it's Jaden.
"Hey blondie" I say back. It's still weird looking at him with blond hair but they suit him. He looks really attractive.
"You look really good" he says in embarrassment.
"Thanks Jae." I reply with a shy smile.

Bryce calls us all in the living room, so we all go there to listen to him.
"Remember, if cops come out first priority is Sophie. I don't care if any of us get an MIP, but if they send Sophie back I'll kick your asses. Deal?" He says in an extremely serious tone and everyone nods.

"I already spoke with Tayler and all the other members of hype so they know it too. So you should be covered. I know I call you little Italy but you are not going back anytime soon" Bryce says. I get up and hug him.

"I swear my brother would love you and josh, you are like him, his last words were 'if you get with any boys I'll personally come to kick their asses" " I say and they laugh.

They party started an hour ago and me, Mag, Nessa and Avani are dancing on the floor. I'm a lil tipsy... I know I said that I wouldn't drink but I love partying, and there is so much alcohol.

"Does this thing work?" We hear coming from the microphone.
"Yeah ok it works, so hi I'm Jaden, everyone here should know me I guess" he says and it's followed by laughs from everyone present.
"So I just wanted to tell you guys something, no one knows except of sway so... COMATOSE IS COMING OUT ON MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT!" He screams the last part and everyone starts screaming. After Jaden's announcement he posts a tiktok and a post on insta that he had already prepared and posts them to announce it to the public.

"Wanna go get some drinks?" Avani asks me.
I simply nod.
We go to the kitchen and I grab a white claw. We don't have claws in italy but this shit is good.
We start talking a bit. Avani is dating Anthony and they are the most beautiful couple ever. They are so cute. Then Ant comes and steals Avani from me.
I look around and there are so many people.
I feel someone touching my shoulder.
I turn around and I let out a sigh of relief.

"I haven't seen you at all tonight" Jaden tells me.
"I could say the same until the release date reveal" I giggle.
"So are you enjoying your first party?" He asks me and I nod in excitement.
"I haven't drunk at all" Jaden tells me.
"Wanna do a shot together?" I ask excited. I had already finished my claw.

"How much did you have to drink?" Jaden asks looking at me.
"A bit" I say laughing. When I'm drunk I laugh at everything.
We do a shot together and then we start dancing like two stupids in the kitchen.

At a certain point the lights turn on.
"Shit" Jaden says grabbing my hand.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Lights on in the middle of a party mean only a thing... cops" he says and I am suddenly am sober again.
"Come with me" he says pulling my end and somehow we manage to go upstairs in his room.
Everyone let us pass without even asking, they probably knew about my situation.

"Jae I'm scared" I tell him shaking while he locks his door. I don't wanna go back, first of all my mom and my brother would kill me, and then I'm so happy here I don't want to ruin everything.
"Hey listen to me. You are here with me. Everything is gonna be fine. I told you, you are not going back ok?" Jaden reassures me while putting his hands on my cheeks.

"Take this and put it on" he says tossing me one of his hoodies. I wear it and put the hood on.
He does the same.
I watch him go to his window that faces the back yard.

"Jae we are not jumping, it's too high and I'm drunk" I tell him.
"You really think I would make you jump? I'm trying to save you not to kill you." He says.
"There is a ladder, we are using that ok?" He ask me and I nod.

We get out of the house and we run towards one of the boys car that was parked there just in case.
We get in and Jaden starts to drive. Driving in front of sway we see two cops car and everyone getting out.

After 10 minutes Jaden parks the car. We are at the beach.
It's 3:00am and it's pitch dark.
Jaden takes is phone and turns the light on and we start walking.

"Jae, thank you. Seriously."
"Don't even start, I would never ever let something happen to you; you are just too special to me" he tells me and I hug him. We stay like this than I see him leaning towards me. Are we about to kiss?
I don't get an answer to my question since Jaden's phone starts to ring. I hear him sight but then he answer the phone.

"Yeah she is here with me... luckily I was with her when it happened... dude we were just talking in the kitchen what are you talking about... I drove to the beach, I didn't know where to go.... are you sure about that? ... ok I'm coming... tell Avani to calm down she is with me and we are good, she is not going back in Italy today" this is the last thing he says before he hangs up.

"So the cops are gone, the only people at sway are the boys, Addi, Mags, Ness, Avani and Olivia, so we can go back, Everyone was really worried" he says and I nod. I still can't stop thinking about what was about to happen if Josh didn't call.

We get back and everyone hugs me.
"I'm so sorry that I left you alone in the kitchen" Avani tells me on the verge of tears. I hug her.
"Vani don't worry! It's not your fault, and Jaden was with me so all good" I tell them.

"I'll go to sleep, bye" Jaden says to everyone and goes to his room. Weird.
"What happened?" Addi asks.
"I honestly have no idea, but I'm too drunk and tired, and shocked to deal with anything right now so I'll just go to sleep" I say while I walk out the living room to go to the room that I have slept in all the times here.

I get out of my dress, I put a pair of sweats on and I put Jaden's hoodie back on. I lay on the bed and I think about my friendship with Jaden since I arrived. It's impossible we were about to kiss right? We are best friends... right? I decided to text Ali and Emma telling them I would call them tomorrow morning. I need help.

Authors corner
Hiii, I'm so sorry I took long to update but I hope you'll forgive me with this long ass chapter!
Happy 2021 to everyone! 2020 was probably the worst year of my life so I'm glad I am out of it!
If you have any suggestions or ideas for the book just comment them or message me I'll be really happy!

So what?- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now