“You’ve done your work priest, now get out,” he snarled in his direction and tightened the grab on Georgianna’s elbow, pulling her after him. She had no choice but to follow, hardly keeping up with his long strides.

They turned around the corner and surprised a novice nun who dropped a tray of food. Georgianna swallowed in shock when she saw mashed potatoes and a small cup of yogurt ended up on Yaxley’s black Death Eater robes. She had no need to look at his face to know he was furious.

“I’m sorry Sir, I’m really sorry,” quivered the girl in front of them. She seemed to be no more than eighteen years old but Yaxley was too angry to consider that. Georgianna saw him reaching into the pocket of his cloak and had no doubt of he wanted to punish the girl in the worst way imaginable.

“Dominic!” she called out and stopped his hand. He looked back at her angrily but his features softened within the matter of seconds.

“You,” he acknowledged the novice. “Consider yourself lucky; my wife happens to feel sentimental about filth like you. Maybe, it would be polite to thank her.”

The girl fell to her knees and started to thank her. Georgianna felt sick to her stomach at the look of satisfaction that crossed Yaxley’s face.

“No please, that’s enough,” she told the girl. “Please get up. It’s ok… you can go.”

The girl ran away quite quickly and Yaxley wiped his robes clean with a single swipe of his wand.

“We should have Disapparated from the chapel,” she heard him snarl to himself as he shoved his wand back into the pocket of his coat. It was only then that he looked at her.

“Let’s go,” he told her and extended his arm to her once more. Georgianna hesitated before taking it but she knew she really had no choice. He knew her too well for her to ever escape him now.

Georgianna took the offered hand and let him pull her close. She grabbed onto him in return as he Apparated them. This time, the Apparition felt even more sickening than usually; she was quite happy to be able to step away from him and look around.

Wherever ‘here’ was, she could tell they were in quite a big house, judging from the high ceilings and wide stairs that would barely fit across the lenght of an ordinary family home. Her eyes considered the hardwood floors and old, heavy tapestries that depicted various heroic acts of ancient witches and wizards with some depictions of Muggle torture. That was enough to tell anyone this wasn’t a Muggle-friendly house.

“Welcome home,” she heard Yaxley say behind her. “The ex-wife moved out last night. Turns out I had I had a little bit of a say when it came to property rights. Of course, that left me with few great looking houses and several other properties but this seemed to be the best one as a permanent residence.”

The room was cold. Georgianna tightened her shawl around her before she dared to turn to look at him.

“Money from me and a house from your ex-wife,” she murmured quietly in his direction. “What about the kids? Did they not fit in with your comfortable lifestyle?”

“My sincerest apologies,” said Yaxley mockingly. “While my eldest daughter is already married, I didn’t believe it would be the best idea to keep the younger ones in one house with someone capable of murder.”

“Does that mean you and your kids have always lived apart?” she grimaced. She wished she felt at least half the confidence with which she spoke up to him.

“In a way,” he grunted beside her. One look told Georgianna he wasn’t annoyed with her. Quite on the contrary, he seemed to be quite pleased.

Last Witness: Entrapped (Snape Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now