Chapter 22: The Plagues

Start from the beginning

Slowly the men lowered the ends of their staffs into the water. As the staffs met the water something bright red seemed to flow into the water. Rameses son placed his hand in the water. "Father it- Blood! The guards cried out in alarm as the rushed back to the boat.

Rameses looked both disgusted and confused. Hotep! Huy! "Explain this to me!" Rameses snapped at the two priests. "Rest assured, Your Majesty." Huy said nervously. Uh, yes, we were going to demonstrate the superior might...of our gods. Said Hotep grabbing a bowl of clean water.

He secretly grabbed a handful of red powder and dropped it into the water turning it red. Rameses puts his hand in the bowl and chuckles at the red liquid dripping off his hand. "Abandon this futile mission, Moses."

"I've indulged you long enough." "This must now be finished." No, Rameses. "It is only beginning." Aaron looked at his brother surprised. "But, Moses, d-didn't you see what happened?" He said Motioning to the boat.

"The priests did the same thing." "Pharaoh still has the power over our lives." Moses sighed and looked calmly at his older brother. Yes, Aaron, it's true. "Pharaoh has the power." Moses turned to look at the others that surrounded him.

"He can take away your food, your home, your freedom." "He can take away your sons and daughters." "With one word, Pharaoh can take away your very lives." "But there is one thing he cannot take away from you.....Your faith.

The people stared at him with hope. "Believe, for we will see God's wonders." Quasi placed his hand in the river when he pulled his hand out of the water it was stained red. "Yes we will, but that's what I'm afraid of."

Quasimodo had no idea how right he was to be worried. For over the next few days God would rain down his wrath upon the pharaoh and the people of Egypt.

"Thus, saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord"

"Thus, saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord"

"Since you refuse to free my people"

"Thus, saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord"

"Thus, saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord"

"All through the land of Egypt"

"I send a pestilence and plague"

"Into your house, into your bed"

"Into your streams, into your streets"

"Into your drink, into your bread"

"Upon your cattle, on your sheep"

"Upon your oxen in your field"

"Into your dreams, into your sleep"

"Until you break, until you yield"

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