Chapter Eleven

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I don't own Disney.


Adam had spent his entire life shutting others out. He liked being alone, thinking about what concerned him and no one else. But, suddenly, his had paradigm begun to shift and he had no idea how he felt about it.

It started on a rainy Tuesday afternoon. The wind was so strong that branches were breaking off trees and hurtling themselves at the school windows. The heavy downpour was so thick that he couldn't see two feet in front of himself. But, despite the inclement conditions, the intimidating senior could have sworn there was something almost magical in the air.

He spent his morning dodging runaway umbrellas and racing in and out of the school buildings in an attempt to stay dry. Unfortunately, he was wildly unsuccessful and, by the time French class rolled around, he was sopping wet and frustrated. His backpack was soaked and, as a result, his sketchbook had been compromised. Two years of art was water stained and streaked. His carefully drawn sketches looked like a preschooler's idea of abstract art. And, to make matters worse, the jostling of rain slickers and rubber boots produced such an annoying symphony of sounds that he thought he was going insane.

But then she appeared. And, just like every cheesy movie ever written, his heart quickened. However, unlike the movies, he didn't feel like sweeping her off her feet into a grand, romantic kiss. He felt uneasy. It was like he had been told that he was slightly allergic to the beautiful brunette and, if he got too close, his tongue would swell up.

He tried to avoid any contact or interaction, but, the harder he tried, the more difficult it was. Every time he bumped into her, he shivered inside. And each time they made eye contact, he flinched.

The worst part was that Adam Bête had no idea why Belle suddenly made him so uncomfortable. Or, rather, he wasn't ready to admit the reason to himself just yet. Yes, denial seemed to be his best option. What else was there for him to do?

It had all begun three days before when he was picking up paint at the college art store. He had been browsing the paintbrushes, even though he already owned far too many, and was wondering whether it was reasonable to spend sixty dollars on another set of fine tipped brushes. After justifying the purchase to himself, he stepped in the checkout line. She was there.

Wearing a yellow polo shirt with a white nametag, Belle Spirituel was standing behind the register. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and she appeared to be reading an extremely thick novel. She was so engrossed in her book, her eyes rapidly darting back and forth, that she failed to notice him for a moment. But when she did, her pink lips spread into a wide smile at the sight.

"Adam, how are you?" She inquired kindly as she scanned the package and rang him up on the machine. Shocked that she had managed to snag the job, which he had been pining over for three years, in only a matter of months, Adam made a strangled sound in the back of his throat and pulled the money out of his wallet. Speak, just say something. Anything! He ordered himself but no words surfaced and he left as quickly as he could.

Now, he thought, she didn't only think he was a dick. He was an idiot as well.

And, as he shied away for her during French class, he began to think that he might want her to think of him a bit differently.

Howdy Y'all,

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to post, but life has been a little crazy lately. Anyways, I've been having some massive writer's block and am trying to finish a Peter Pan chapter right now but...who knows? I will try to start uploading on Sundays because I think having a schedule might help me actually postJ I'm sorry that this one is short but I promise the next one will be much longer. Please comment and let me know what you think. And, as always, I'm open to suggestions for characters.

Oodles and oodles of love,


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