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•Omniscient pov •

It has been 3 months since the incident with Bea although Odessa and Beatrice have still kept in touch each other. Odessa and Billie started hanging out more, both catching feelings for each other that are very noticeable but haven't spoken about it. All three will be attending another party for a celebration of a close friend's album.

•Billie's pov •
I text Odessa

Billie: " Hey, do you want to hang out today since we're going to the same party? I just have to get my hair dyed today.

Odessa: " yeah, but we get ready at my house & when are you picking me up?"

Billie: in about an hour.

Odessa: k.

•Odessa POV •

I get done getting ready. I Put on  denim booty shorts, a white bralette, white Birkenstock's sandals and a white collar oversized  that I left open; It's Billies.

Billie leads me to the car and open the door for me. "someone is enjoying my clothes" she says looking me up and down.

"Shut up" i roll my eyes, almost smirking. We arrive at the hair place, as we walk into the salon we spot 3 different paparazzi. Billie grabs onto my hand and squeezes it to ensure me I'm okay because it gives me anxiety.

As Billies getting her hair done we make small talk about us matching to the party. "I have to straighten my hair though it's going to take a while" I say whining, hoping the lady's almost done with Billies hair.

Time skip

Billies POV

Odessa is straightening her hair, on the phone with her best friend Octavia having a heated conversation in Spanish mentioning my name and "Bea" name? Something I didn't know she could speak. It was almost time to go to the party.

I was already ready so I walk over to the vanity we're she's doing her hair/make up "babe it's almost time to go" kissing her cheek after.

"K and stop you're going to mess up my make up" she says with a high pitch tone and a slight attitude. She hangs up the phone & starts putting on her short brown dress to match my striped collared long sleeve.

As we're heading to my car in silence, i open the door for her admiring every inch of her. "Thank you bil" she mumbles.

Once we arrive at the party we greet are friend's, Octavia comes up to me and whispers in my ear while Odessa is talking to someone else " hurt her and I will slice your throat" saying sternly, earning a smile once Odessa turns back around.

Odessa POV

Once I greet everyone I turn around to see Billie and Octavia getting along shockingly knowing Octavia hates anyone I have feelings for.

We start dancing around to the music having a great time. My dress was very short so every-time I moved it'd go up. Billie started pulling it down, realizing a man was staring at me. " oh hell no" she mumbles. She pulled me closer & grabbed me by waist making it known I was with her.

As we continue to dance I feel a hand tap on me, Billies face drops immediately into disgust. I turn around to see it's Beatrice, Billies grip getting tighter. "hey can I talk to you real quickly" she says with shakiness and with smell of alcohol in her mouth.

Before I could respond Billie says "whatever the fuck you need to say, say it here" in a vicious tone. " just say it " I say unsure. "Not in front of your mad ass girlfriend, let's just go to the bathroom" she says with a annoyed look. I respond quickly "she not my girlfriend & fine just hurry please" I say regretting the first part.

"I'll be back Billie in a minute" I say with a sorry face, Billie looking angry as ever.

I follow Beatrice to the bathroom, she let the door slam on my face so I had to open it. " oh my bad babe" she says almost laughing. " don't call me that what do you want Beatrice" I say annoyed.

She goes on apologizing asking for another chance to make things right. I eventually give in and forgive her, she won't do it again. It seems like she truly means the apology.

"Okay fine just lets take things slower" I think im happy we're trying again but in doubt because I'm catching feelings for Billie.

As were on are way back to go to my friends she's slaps my butt and pecks my lips "alright I'll you later baby" she smirks looking into someone's eyes

I turn to find Octavia to tell her but Billie was right there, she has a angry look on her face. I walk up to her "okay I'm back" I fake smile, "yea I see" she says with a blank tone.


"You ready to go Odessa? Or is someone else going to take you home". She says with a aggressive tone. "yea I'm ready" I say softly

The car ride is quiet but I break the silence "what's up with the attitude bil" she glances but doesn't respond. I call her name constant trying to get her attention "Billie,bil, Billieeeee, what will get you to respond god, Billieeee, hm daddyyy"

She responds immediately "Odessa shut the fuck up" she puts the radio to max. "why are you being mean Billie" I turn the radio off. Pissing her off more.


Billie POV

I'm getting my things I left from getting ready from her house as I'm my things out on her bed she interrupts me and just stands between my legs "Billie talk to me" she says whining.

"What happened when you left to go talk with that girl" I say annoyed. "She just apologized" she says acting dumb. " mhm that's stupid and bullshit but what did you say ?" Asking her looking directly in her eyes. "I forgave her and I'm giving her another chance" she mumbles. "K I'm heading out" I try to get up but she still in between my legs. "why are you acting like you're jealous Billie" gaining a attitude in her voice

Fuck no

" Odessa jealous? Jealous of her? Someone who has mentally and physically abused you? Who you've been crying about? Remember those articles about how we're dating because of how we were just holding hands? You're acting if you weren't calling me baby or we didn't cuddle, have make out sessions yesterday, hell this morning. So no Odessa I'm not fucking jealous" I yell in a sarcastic tone.

I pick her up and move her out my way. "I don't share so let me know when you aren't up her ass" saying it loudly to make it know before I left.

A/n: how do y'all feel about Odessa taking bea back? Or how Billie reacted?

Toxic temptations | Billie eilishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora