"I promise you..." James whispered, leaning to kiss her forehead as if she were the most delicate thing his lips would ever touch. "...you will never lose me."

But promises were indeed the sweetest lies. And his had been so sweet and so beautiful, it left an almost bitter taste in her mouth as she clung onto the memories that she now had of him— no matter the situation or location of those memories— because it was all she had.

Because she lost him too. She lost her James. He broke his promise and he left her. He broke his promise, and fate split them once more; because it wasn't even kind enough to take her as well. It wasn't kind enough to choose her and allow her to fade into dust to reunite with her lover.

And even though she was absolutely destroyed, her green eyes weren't completely lost as they had been back on the battlefield. Fate didn't seem to completely hate her— even though Allura believed it should make it a bit more evident— because her little girl, in a horrible condition and straining as she tried, was breathing after a couple minutes in Wakanda, and was strong enough to make her body hold on to life for a little longer.

It wasn't her time. And for some reason, after so much pain, it wasn't Allura's either.

So, with that small sparkle of hope in her eyes, the strawberry blonde found the strength within her, like she had done so many times, to put her emotions aside— no matter if they killed her when they finally came to the light.

The small ship landed in front of the familiar house in Bucharest, Romania. The door opened as the platform came down and touched the floor.

There wasn't anyone on the street.

Some shops were open but empty, only dust and fear coating the once full and cheerful environment. Allura had to take multiple deep breaths this time in order to not break down, the familiarity of the place hitting her like a wrecking ball as she remembered herself walking down with James.

"New record for leaving a girlfriend, broken by you." Allura mumbled, chuckling slightly as if she were talking to James. "Unbelievable." She smiled softly at the thought that crossed her head.

When he was gone, she really did think that she had landed just to meet him.

But her responsibilities were quick to tell her otherwise, as a familiar young boy opened the door and his purple eyes landed on Allura. His hair was a combination of his natural Jupiterian yellow and a brown dye, but what caught her attention the most was the fact that his eyes were bloodshot and his little twelve year old body was shaking.

"Allura!" He called, and the strawberry blonde wasted no time in rushing towards him and kneeling in front of him as he sobbed once more. "W-What's happening? T-They're gone. They're all gone." He cried. Allura felt a hole in her stomach, her own green eyes watering as she held the young boy in her arms, feeling him shake against her.

"What do you mean?"

"Mamma said that I could sleep until the afternoon. Because I was feeling a bit sick from the lack of hydrogen yesterday. And just when I woke up and found the hydrogen on my table, all I saw was-"

"Dust." Allura whispered, feeling the young boy nod against her shoulder. "Are they all gone? Ever single one?"

The boy cried harder, his smaller hand clutching on her shirt as he hugged her tight— probably afraid that she'd turn into dust too.

How many kids were going through this? That was the only thought that ran through her head as she held him caringly.

"Jordan. Are they all gone?" Allura asked, breaking from the hug and looking into his puffy purple eyes. The boy only looked down, trying to compose himself like his mamma had taught him to many times. Allura could see the effort, and smiled briefly as she remembered her own education back home.

"Only Lana and I are left." Allura gave a small breath of relief at his words. Knowing that her best friend was still alive, that she was safe, was another flicker of light in this dark room they seemed to be trapped in. "She went to look for more of us, but we're already not so many. Many was shopping or just out." Jordan stumbled on his words, and even though his English was a little broken, Allura could understand him perfectly.

"Förum aftur inn." Let's go back inside. She spoke softly, holding his hand as he stumbled on his own steps. But his body wasn't shaking so much anymore as he gripped Allura's hand, his eyes on his shoes.

The strawberry blonde opened the door and headed into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing some hydrogen ice cream for Jordan. She served it in a circular plate, licking her lips as she remembered how great it tasted and rolling her eyes when she remembered she couldn't consume it anymore.

She gave him the plate and sat next to him on the couch as he placed his knees against his chest and ate quietly.

"Takk." Thanks.

But then, the curious boy turned to her, and Allura couldn't blame him for what he asked. He wasn't aware of everything and was probably scared and traumatized by the situation.

"Where is James?" He asked her, the woman stiffening at the name and her green eyes closing for a couple of seconds. Her shoulders went rigid, her jaw clenched and her heart ached as even the young boy noticed his absence.


"Like everyone here?"

"Yes." And Jordan went quiet once more, leaning into Allura as a way of showing support. Jordan's intentions were pure, and he was going through a lot for his young age. He had grown up on Earth, his body was used to both hydrogen and oxygen and his growth was like the human one.

He was what Nadenka could've been, if Jupiterian genetics weren't so messed up. He was practically half human, half Jupiterian.

And just like hers, his life had just changed completely.

I don't know which chapter broke me most: this one or last one. Allura is a wreck, but you know how she usually is— emotions out, logic in. I love her, but she should really express what she feels more.

Anyway! Little Jordan is back, he's honestly such a sweetheart and Nadenka is alive, so the loss wasn't as big.

I hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think!

Stay safe!

- evanescence2016

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