1.25 Professor Avalon

Start from the beginning

Everyone "good morning, Professor Avalon"

Avalon "i hope the flowers got you day off to a chilly start"

Bloom smiled "how thoughtful. Thank you"

me "purple is my favorite color"

Avalon stopped behind me. 

Flora nodded "Yes, it's mine too"

Avalon put a hand on my shoulder "Echo, last night you had a dream that touched your heart, did you?"

I froze but nodded "it was about my birth parents. I'd like to find more about them. will you help me?"

Avalon nodded "Certainly. meet me in my office after class."

I nodded and he walked away. 

Stella smiled "this is the best day ever"

Musa smiled "i can listen to him all day long without getting tired"

Tecna froze "wait a minute, didn't you guys say that he had angel wings?"

Digit nodded "i'm pretty sure he had wings but they are gone now"

Stella growled "could you guys stop ruining the mood?"

Tecna "i think we should find out the secret behind his wings"

At class. 

Avalon smiled at the flower bouquet on his desk "what lovely flowers. though, i would like to know how i got the honor?"

Flora "it's the least we could do after your sweet surprise this morning"

Avalon "as you know this class is called cognitive analysis. you'll learn how to sharpen your senses and trust your instincts. you'll learn to look for details and perhaps find new powers within yourselves. "

The girls were a giggling mess. 

Avalon "now, let's start with an easy question. Who was the first ever fairy?"

Everyone answered "Clariel"

Avalon "do you know that or do you just believe it? can you prove it?"

Layla "my mother told me and she's never wrong. "

Avalon nodded "That may be so but where did your mother learn it from"

Layla thought about it but then shook her head "i really can't say for sure but everyone knows about Clariel "

Avalon "having everybody believe she's the first fairy is enough to make her so even though she's not. that's proves how strong the power of words can be. "

Flora "but shouldn't Layla trust her mother?"

Avalon "sometimes trust is all you have to carry our forward but to really know the truth is an entirely different experience. not to be taken for granted. "

Avalon's office. 

I looked at the crystal in front of me. 

Avalon "reveal your name to the crystal"

I took a deep breath "Bloom"

The crystal started to shine bright. 

Suddenly some kind of family tree was shown. 

I froze "is that my family tree?"

He nodded and pointed at a name "this is you, right here"

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