Abe x Ghandi

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Abe awkwardly tapped his foot. Ghandi cleared his throat. "So. The kiss," Abe said nervously. "It was weird," Ghandi said rubbing his neck. Abe frowned. "Good weird? Or. Bad. Weird," Abe said softly. Ghandi looked at him. " Dude. Did you. Enjoy. That?" Ghandi said with a raised eyebrow. Abe sighed and nodded. Ghandi sighed. "Good. I . Kinda did too. I didn't wanna say anything tho. I thought you'd think I was weird," Ghandi said looking at Abe. Abe laughed and moved closer to Ghandi. "I. Don't know what this means. I didn't think I was gay. That's why I did it.i thought it would cause no harm but now. Man. I think I might like you," Abe said sadly. Ghandi looked at him. "Dude. I think I like you too. Don't stress about it. It's ok," Ghandi said, grabbing Abe's hand and smiling. Abe sighed. "Can. Can I have a hug?" Abe said with outstretched arms. Ghandi nodded and pulled him into a hug. Abe hugged him tighter. He pulled away and looked at Ghandi and sighed. "Can I kiss you, again?" He said. Ghandi nodded. You know, there's something better about a kiss when it's planned. And not infront of hundreds of people. Just you. And the person your kissing. And the sky. There's also something better about a kiss when they kiss back. And you know they mean it. Ghandi held onto Abe tighter . Abe leaned away from the kiss and let out a loud breathy sigh. He smiled at Ghandi and pulled him into a hug

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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