Chapter 18: Busted pt.2

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"You're beautiful Angelina." I begin.
"You deserve so much better.....and I'm.. I'm sorry that happened." I comfort.

She leans her head up, tears streaming down her cheeks.
She wipes them away.

"Thanks Callie." She says.

"No problem Ang." I respond.
"is there anything I can do to help?" I question, not knowing what to say next.

Angelina thinks for a moment, and then slowly nods her head up and down.

"Could you just, stay away from Fred for a few days? Just until we work it out." She asks.

I nod.

"For sure. I'll keep my distance." I reassure.

"Thanks. I hope that's not too much, I mean I know you guys are friends, and I don't wanna come between that.  I also know that it's kinda hard to stay away since-"

"I totally get it." I respond.

She smiles at me.

"Thanks Callie. I understand why everyone fawns over you, you're amazing."

My heart slightly broke more with that comment.
I hated seeing her feel this way, even though it wasn't really my fault.
Angelina was truly an amazing girl, and she deserves better that what she was getting.

I hug her tightly once more, then wiping her tears away with my hands when we pull away, smiling at her. She smiles back, thanking me again before we both headed back into the dorm.

When we entered  again, Hermione and Ginny stared intently.
I returned to my bunk, getting under my covers and leaning against my pillows.
Hermione turned to me, whispering.

"Everything okay?" She whispered.

I looked over to Angelina, who was brushing her hair absentmindedly on her bed.

"Yea, everything's fine." I say.

Hermione nods, not wanting to pry.

I decided it was best not to tell anyone about me and Angelinas conversation.
I didn't wanna make her feel worse than she already did.

I turn onto  my side, pulling my arm under my pillow and thinking of everything that had just happened.

I felt sort of bad about myself for some reason.
I knew it wasn't my fault, and I couldn't really have prevented it, but I still felt responsible somehow.

I tried to shake the thoughts away, shifting my mind to George, remembering him lying next to me in bed back at the burrow.
I placed my hand on the sheet next to me, closing my eyes and imagining George's warmth there in place of the cold air.

I fell asleep quickly,
George Weasley pleasantly filling my head.


I awoke again to the sound of Hermione yelling for Ginny and I to get up.
She sort of became our eager alarm clock in the morning, always getting up before everyone else did.

I slowly sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes with the tips of my fingers.
Hermione tossed me my uniform, giggling as she saw my annoyed, morning personality.
I giggled slightly too, loving her for everything that she did.
She was definitely the mom friend.

Ginny and I quickly got up, changing into our uniforms and brushing our hair, making ourselves look presentable.

"Hey Callie, could I borrow some lip balm? I can't seem to find mine." Angelina suddenly asked.

Weasley & Weasley: A Fred & George Weasley FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum