Chapter 49: The Return

Start from the beginning

There was a moment of awkward silence since I'm pretty sure in the entire history of Narnia no one has talked back to or cursed at Aslan before. Patrick was the one who broke the silence, "I'll go talk to her," he then ran off after her.

We all then looked back at Aslan, "I was expecting a reaction out of you all. But I was not expecting that. But please understand that it is not Ray or Zoran's fault. Yes, I asked them to pick how long you would stay here but I told them not to tell you all. They wanted to but they also understood that if you had known, you wouldn't have acted like yourselves,"

I looked over at Jackson and Ariana who seem to have begun to understand why we did what we did. They nodded, "I apologise for yelling at you Ray and Zoran. You were just doing what you were told. I think that if you could've you would have told us. It's just a little shocking, that's all." said Ariana as came to give us both hugs.

"it's alright. I figured at least Anna was going to be pissed," Ray then turned to hug Jackson as well. It was then that we heard more yelling from Patrick and Anna. Ray sighed, "I feel bad that Patrick has to go calm her down. I mean I know he's her fiance and the best at calming her down. But convincing a bride that your wedding is cancelled because you have to go home, that's something he shouldn't have to do. It's just not fair,"

"Then why don't you go do it Ray?" teased Jackson

"Oh well, I value my life and know fully well that Anna can be deadly when that mad,"

We all laughed at that, the mood was lightened a bit. After a few more moments, we noticed that the yelling had stopped a little while ago and that it was quiet. We were all sitting on the grass when we heard a door open. Anna and Patrick were walking out holding hands, but you could tell she had been crying. Her mascara was a little runny but what gave it away was the tear-stained spot on Patrick's shoulder. "Sorry, Aslan. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just upset, I mean who wouldn't be if their wedding gets cancelled the month before it's supposed to happen. And I'm sorry Zoran. I know it's not your fault that you didn't tell us. You were just following orders,"

I nodded at her, signalling that I accepted her apology. Aslan then stood up, "I'd like the chance to explain why Zoran and Ray got to pick when you all would leave. You see, they've learned all they can from Narnia. So they will not be returning to Narnia after they leave,"

"That makes a lot more sense if you think about it," said Patrick

"Yes. That is why they kept it a secret. They didn't want you all worrying or acting differently because you were on a clock. Everything works out the way it's supposed to. Now, I will give you a minute to say goodbye,"

It was then that everything became surreal. It's been ten years since we got here and it still feels like only yesterday. I watched as Anna gave Ariana a giant hug. They had gotten so close over the years. Anna took off her engagement ring, "Please keep it. I'm pretty sure we aren't allowed to bring things from Narnia back home. So if you would just keep it safe, in case I return," it was evident that as Anna was talking she was trying not to cry.

"Of course. I will look after it for as long as I shall live. It will be safe until you return," she turned to the rest of us, "As will your weapons. I will make sure they are properly stored and kept safe. They are rightfully yours, so no one shall touch or use them again until you return,"

We thanked her. Ray and I went to take off our wedding bands to give it to Ariana, but Aslan shook his head. "Ray and Zoran, you may keep your rings. Since you won't be returning to Narnia, they can serve as a reminder to your time here,"

It then struck me, this might very well be the last time Ariana and Jackson would see each other. Why does time gotta act so weirdly here? I watched as Ariana and Jackson embraced. There were tears in Ariana's eyes. They kissed each other and to the rest of us, it looked like one of those kisses you see in the movies where the hero knows he's about to die. After they were finished, Jackson stepped forward to join the rest of us. Aslan then turned his head toward the great oak tree and blew. The tree did the exact same thing it did when the Kings and Queens of Old returned to their world. There was a doorway waiting for us to walk through.

Just as we were about to walk through, Ariana called out to us, "Wait! I-I I just to thank you for all that you've done for me. You've helped me prepare to rule Narnia by myself. I feel more confident than ever. I owe you all so much that I wish I could make it so that you would live the rest of your lives here. But it is not to be. So I sincerely hope we meet again one day and I promise you that I will rule Narnia to the best of my ability. Ray and Zoran, I wish you nothing but the best in life and hope you find happiness. The memories I have with you I will cherish for the rest of my life. Anna and Patrick, I do hope we meet again. I'm so glad I'm able to call you all my friends and the things you have taught me, I promise to use them in my ruling," she then turned to face Jackson, "Jackson, I-I,"

Jackson cut her off by running up and hugging her, "I know, I know," he whispered in her ear

After he put her down, she took his face in her hand and placed her forehead against his. "I promise I will see you again. If not in this lifetime, then in the next. If we are to not meet again then I will see you again when we are reunited in the stars. I promise. I promise I will not love another, you are the only one for me. I love you and I always will. Remember that,"

By now almost all of us had tears in our eyes. It was heartbreaking to watch Ariana and Jackson say goodbye. He couldn't even reply, he just nodded and kissed her one more time before rejoining us. Ariana then went to stand by Aslan, it was then time to go. Jackson went first because if he stayed another second, getting him to leave would be impossible. Anna and Patrick went next. Then it was Ray and I's turn. Ray went first and I took one last look at the beautiful picture before me. I watched as the world around me faded and went back. I was going home.

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