Part 5: Speculation

Start from the beginning

It's only a matter of time before Emma sees that.

No doubt she will...



My front door flies open and Emma comes barging in and down my front foyer to where I'm sitting in the kitchen.

"Did you see this bullshit!!" She yells and waves her phone around.

"I thought you were in London?" I ask quickly- trying to avoid the eminent fight we're going to have.

"What the HELL was he thinking!!!??? He wasn't!! Now the whole world is all over this and..."

"It's fine, Em. We'll just wait it out. It'll die down- like all the other rumors they start. Like the one about you and Jade at the premiere. It was misinterpreted and..."

"Tom! I have a boyfriend! He found this this morning and it started the biggest fight I've ever had!"

"What do you want me to do Emma?"

"Take the photos down!" She demands and my heart sinks.

"Emma, let's not over think...."

"TAKE THEM DOWN TOM!" Her voice carries through the house and Willow takes off to my bedroom to hide.

We've had fights before...but not like this.

"I shouldn't have too." I say and her face elongates.

"Tom- I'm happy. So happy with Leo....I honestly think he's the one and..."

"Of for fuck sakes Emma! That's what you always say!" I can't help but let my anger out. It's not fair of her. She's the only who pulls me in and then pushes me away when something else comes along.

"Excuse me?!"

"You've been here before! 'He's the one...Actually Matthew's the one...George is definitely the one... CHORD IS THE BLOODY ONE!!!' How many ones do you think you get, Emma?!" My voice echoes through my home and she looks taken aback.

"TAKE THE GODDAMN PHOTOS DOWN NOW TOM OR..." She gets in my face and tries to threaten me- and normally- I would have gave in and obeyed...Because I always obey Emma's wishes.

"Or what?!" I sneer and close the space between us. She searches my eyes and clenches her jaw.

"Or I'll never talk to you again." My insides twist and turn and it's like my worst nightmare is coming to life.

"How is that any different than any other time you have a boyfriend?" Biting off that comment felt good and yet I'm in so much pain.

"We're done...Tom..."

"Good, it's about time." I lowly growl and when her face pales and her eyes fill with tears- that's when I know I made the biggest mistake of my life. Stamping to the door, she's about to leave when she turns around and whips my house key at my face. It hits me right in the eye and she doesn't think twice to ask if I'm alright. She just slams the door and leaves.

***December 18th, 2019***

"What's with the mustache, Felts? You look like you're gonna buy a van." Matthew jokes as he hands me a beer. I didn't want to come to this stupid Christmas Party reunion bullshit.

After everything that happened between Emma and I- I wish I would have just stayed home.

"Part in a movie I'm doing..." I sip the beer and Evanna comes over to me with Bonnie.

"You've been quiet tonight, Tom. I'm surprised you didn't bring your guitar like usual." Bonnie politely says as she gives me a hug.

"Yeah...well...I don't feel much like playing at the moment."

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