Chapter 1

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You were walking home from school, on a hot summer day. It takes about an hour for you to walk home from school every day, but you really drag it out, even though it is hot. You preferred the colder weather, it was just more comfortable. You dragged it out because when you got home, you had another beating coming. Your parents drank, and abused eachother. You were an only child, and you were glad that you were. You didn't want any other children suffering with what you had to go through. Your father would also you in the face when you walked through the door. He has been hitting you and cutting you since you were a young child. You were now 17, and you were used to it. You went to school every day to have people staring at you because you had cuts and bruises covering every inch of your skin. You just wished that you had someone to help you feel better. But you didn't, because people considered you 'weird'. Even the teachers left you alone. You had been diagnosed with depression a while back.

You were about 5 minutes from arriving at home, and you finally braced yourself for what was coming. You sped up a little from your slow walking, and turned the corner on to your street. Your house was right at the end of the street. You heard the shouting from where you were, and you spotted your mother running out of the house, blood covering her face and arms. You were worried about what you would see when you got inside. You were just walking up the front yard of your house, bracing for the knife that would cut your arm, or the first that would hit you in the gut, or the hand that would slap your face. Or any of them switched them around. You opened the door, and got a knife to the face. It didn't do a lot, you just got a big slash across the face that would have looked worse than it felt. Then something else happened that he hadn't done before. Your father stabbed you in the arm, and then kicked you over. He had this maniacal grin on his face, he looked like he was about to kill you.
"What took you so long getting home, Y/N?" he spat your name, in the way you hated the most. You saw the knife hovering above your stomach.
"N-nothing, dad, it's just really hot and I-i feel dehydrated" you stuttered. You spoke nothing but the truth. He swayed, he was obviously very drunk. He passed out next to you, flopping on the floor. You carried him to his room, since he was a little shorter than you (that's right bois we talllll this time). You headed to the bathroom to clean your wounds. Both of the slashes from the knife would leave another scar, it wouldn't really be too bad, because your skin was covered in scars.

You had finished cleaning your wounds and headed out of the bathroom. You went and did some cleaning so that when your father woke up he wouldn't get as mad at you. Then you grabbed your phone and ran out the house. You didn't know where you were going, and what you were doing. You made it to the end of the front yard before you collapsed from the pain in your legs from when he kicked you. They seem broken, or at least the left one. You then got up and hobbled your way to the nearest store and bought some pain killers. You then took the 20 minute limp home and cried the entire way. 'why does everybody hate me so much? why do I seem so much like an outcast compared to everyone else?' you thought. You showed kindness to everyone and you would always be 'happy'. At least that is what everyone thought. People still avoided you like a plague, though. You were stuck in your thoughts before you realised that you were almost home. It was still quiet inside. You decided to sit outside on the grass and watch the sun setting. It was beautiful, especially over Mount Ebott. You were lost in its beauty until your father came outside. You looked around to see your father looking very drunk and not happy.
"Get inside," he growled. You didn't answer, you just obeyed and limped inside, all the way up to your room. You sat on your bed and cried, and cried, and cried. You had never cried this much in your life. You didn't know why you were crying, but you could feel something was very wrong. You could feel it in your heart. You could feel it in your soul. You just didn't know what it was.
"Y/N L/N! Get down here and fix me some fucking dinner before I come up there and fuck your life up!" He yelled. You limped down the stairs as fast as you could and headed straight for the kitchen. He had not really said your full name before, and you were shocked. But every time he said your name, he spat it like it was a sour lolly (lollies are candy for those people wondering). You looked in the pantry and cooked the first thing you saw, which was spaghetti bolognaise.

You knew how to cook because you had been doing it your entire life. Your mother was always too drunk to cook, but she was always home. That's when you realised.

this isn't good...

A/N: sorry for the cliff hanger but like the chapter is kinda long, but I think maybe I should do lots of long chapters or a whooooole lotta short ones, because I got a good idea of what I'm writing. Also thanks if you made it so far, reading my rubbish writing. Thanks my fellow simps! <3

1002 words

Broken Love (Sans x reader) [DISCONTINUED, BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now