"You three need help findin' somethin'?" Andy walked over, eyebrow raised. "You two," he looked at Kenny and Lee. "Don't fuck with that door. It's just, you know, Mom get's nervous."

"Right..." Lee said.

"And best you don't go wandering around the farm yourself without myself or Danny. It's dangerous. With the bandits and all," he added quickly.

"Yep," Kenny glared at him.

"Andrew!" Katjaa yelled. "I need your help again!"

"Coming, Doc!" He walked back over to her.

"Hey, Lee you know how to pick a lock right?" Kenny asked Lee.

"What? Why would you say that?"

"Oh I don't know, you're...urban?" Kenny suggested, shrugging at his choice of words.

"Dad!" Kassidy gasped in surprise, smacking her father's arm.

"Oh no, you're not saying what I think you're saying, are you?" Lee asked in an accusing tone.

"Jesus, Lee. I'm from Florida, crazy shit comes out my mouth sometimes sorry!" he apologized.

"I can pick it," Kass said, butting into the conversation.

"Excuse me? How do you know how to pick a lock, young lady?" Kenny questioned his eldest.

"Ask no questions and I'll tell no lies," Kassidy responded quickly. "Yeah... I just need a hairpin and a screwdriver and I'll have it open in a jiffy."

Kenny narrowed his eyes at the teenager. "Oh, whatever," he scoffed, rolling his eyes in amusement.

Kassidy grinned. "Just don't tell Mom," she winked.

"Now hold on. We're gonna be breaking and entering on these people's property, we don't wanna lose our dinner," Lee tried.

"See, I think they're hiding something back here, something they don't want us to see," Kenny explained, looking over his shoulder.

"I agree with Dad. Once I get it unlocked, we can take a quick look and lock it back up without them even knowing," Kass shrugged.

"Okay, but we need to distract that guy. Lee, see if you can get him out of the barn for a minute?" Kenny asked.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do," Lee said just as the dinner bell rang.

"Come on guys, let's go eaaaatttttt!!" Duck exclaimed, excited.

"I'll make an excuse for y'all, just get the door open," Kenny said as he left with everyone else, leaving Kass and Lee behind.

Lee glanced suspiciously down at her, but she just grinned and looked at the door, "I have the hairpin. Just need a screwdriver."

"Okay, hurry up and get the door open," he said, handing her the screwdriver she needed to open the door. She soon enough managed to unlock it. "Seriously kid, how do you-" the door opened to what looked like a scene from a horror movie. There were saws, knives and the walls were covered with blood.

Kassidy practically threw up in her mouth. She had to force herself to swallow it, not wanting to throw up everywhere before Lee and Kass shared confused and scared looks.

"Didn't y'all hear? Dinners on the table," Andy said behind them, causing the duo to flinch in surprise.

"What the hell is all this?" Lee questioned in a serious tone.

"That's where we skin the animals we hunt in the woods," Andy said in a defensive voice as he walked back to the house.

"W-what should we do Lee?" Kass asked him, holding her stomach a bit.

"Let's just go in and eat. He may be telling the truth." Lee said. Then they both left the barn and started walking back to the house to have dinner.

Kassidy had a bad feeling about the situation.


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