Chapter 4

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Melda tugged at the bodice of her dress, trying to loosen it even a little bit. Her hair was back in its usual braid, which was making her feel a little bit more comfortable.

"You look nice, my dear," Gaius said.

"Thank you," Melda said with a small smile. The dress was slightly too small, having been her mother's before her. The skirt had been fixed with an extra strip of fabric, but the top was harder to fix. She'd just have to take it to a tailor before the next formal event.

"Come along," Gaius said. Merlin had already went on ahead.

"I'll be a minute," Melda said.

"Don't be late," Gaius warned. The door closed behind him, and Melda finished packing away her things. She glanced up when she heard the door open, and a slightly familiar voice.

"Gaius?" Prince Arthur called. Melda stepped out of her room.

"He's gone to the party," she said. "Do you need anything?" Arthur shrugged.

"I was picking something up for Morgana, but it can wait."

"Merlin already dropped that off," Melda said. The prince made a face, turning to go. He stopped looking back at her.

"Care to join me?" He asked, when it was clear she wasn't following. Melda raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, your highness." She took the offered arm, letting him walk her down the hallway. She looked over at him and saw the evidence of a bruise on his left cheek. A pang of guilt echoed in her chest for a moment.

"I'm sorry about your face," she said suddenly. Arthur glanced over, surprised.

"Oh, it's no problem," he said. "It caught me off guard."

"What? That I could throw a punch?"

"No, that you punched me right after I arrested your brother for it."

"Hey, older siblings look after the younger ones," Melda said, shrugging slightly. A frown flickered across the prince's face before vanishing. They made it to the entrance, where Arthur bid her farewell.

"Try not to punch any more knights," he said, expression and tone serious. She smiled slightly when she saw the touch of amusement in his eye.

"Of course, Sire," She said, bobbing a small curtsy. She entered the hall alone, leaving the prince alone outside.


The party had been going full swing for a little while. Melda saw Merlin chatting with the serving girl had had called Gwen. She spotted Prince Arthur talking with the King's ward, who wore a rather revealing dress. Melda smiled slightly. The King's ward had confidence, you had to give her that. Dinner had started, and Melda was helping Merlin serve drinks to the King and his family.

The music quieted, and the King stood. He smiled, gaze sweeping the crowd.

"We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and prosperity," he said. "It has brought the kingdom and myself many pleasures, but few can compare with the honour of introducing Lady Helen of Mora."

A young woman stepped out onto the central area, smiling. She began to sing, the song enchanting.

Melda blinked, suddenly feeling sleepy. She stumbled, Then was snapped back to awareness when Merlin shoved her hands over her ears. She watched as the court began to fall asleep.

Lady Helen, or whoever she really was, stalked closer to the head table. She slowly drew a dagger from her sleeve, gaze fixed on the sleeping prince. She raised her arm to throw her knife-

And a chandelier crashed down on top of her. Melda turned to look at Merlin, who's eyes were solid gold.

With the song no longer being sung, the court began to shift and wake up. The King and prince stood, as the form on the floor shifted back to her original face. It was the old woman who had sworn vengeance on the king for the death of her son.

The woman flung the dagger in her hand with her final burst of strength, sending it directly towards the prince. Melda, along with most of the court were frozen with shock. Merlin was the only one to move, pulling Arthur away.

The boys crashed to the floor, the knife sinking into the back of the prince's chair. The old woman collapsed back, dead.

Melda reached out a hand to both Merlin and Arthur, pulling them up. Uther was staring at Merlin.

"You saved my boy's life," he said. "A debt must be repaid."

"Oh, well..." Merlin said sheepishly.

"Don't be so modest. You shall be rewarded," Uther insisted.

"No, honestly, you don't have to, Your Highness," Merlin said.

"You shall be rewarded a position in the royal household. You shall be Prince Arthur's manservant," Uther said. Melda stifled a giggle as the court clapped politely.

"Father!" The prince cried. He and Merlin looked at each other and then looked away, scowling.

"Cheer up," Melda said quietly to Merlin. "At least you've found work."

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