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' I need you to stay here, so I can protect you, Ash. '

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"So, this is it." Ashley looked at the junkyard.
"This is it." Dustin repeated.
"Let's get a move on. C'mon." Steve said. Ashley followed Steve. "Hey, are you okay?" He noticed.
"Yep. What, can I not help or something?" She asked.
"N-no, you can help. Grab that there." Steve pointed over at some pieces of metal. Whilst looking, Ashley found a metal pole that could do some damage. She threw it in the bus and got back to work.

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The others had arrived earlier, and the bus looked like it was ready for battle.
"Okay, everyone in!" Ashley yelled. The kids ran in first.
"Ladies first." Steve smiled. Ashley walked in and picked up her metal pole, making sure the sharply pointed end had no risk of hitting the kids. Steve sat down next to her, and noticed her knee was bouncing. He placed his hand on top of it, and it instantly stopped. "It's okay. I'm here. I'm not letting anything hurt you." She smiled.
"Thank you, Steve, but it's funny you say that." She whispered the last part, but Steve still heard.
"What do you mean?" He looked concerned.
"Nothing. I didn't mean anything by it" Ashley felt bad, seeing how much he had changed. He gave her a weird look, and she sighed. "Fine, in our first year at high school, you bullied me. With Tommy, and Carol and a couple of others." He looked ashamed as he remembered. "But, I don't blame you for anything anymore. You've changed. I can tell." They stared at each other's eyes, their view drifting from each other's eyes to their lips every so often. "My dad was forced out the house five years ago. He hurt my mom many times, but when she finally realised he was doing the same to me, she kicked him out." Ashley revealed. "Just thought I'd tell someone before I die in this bus."
"I-I'm sorry. That's something we have in common. Terrible dad's." They both chuckled.

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"He's here." Dustin whispered as he looked out. They all ran to the window and watched as he didn't touch the bait.
"Why isn't he taking it? He should be taking it." Ashley panicked.
"Maybe he's not hungry." Dustin suggested.
"Or maybe he's just fed up of cow." Steve said as he opened the door and shut it on Ashley's face by accident.
"What is he doing?" Ashley panicked even more.
"Expanding the menu." Ashley ran to the seats and grabbed her metal pole. She opened the door, and stood behind Steve as he swung the bat. Dart jumped for him, but was hit by Steve's bat. She heard Lucas yelling from the top of the bus, but couldn't make out what he was saying until she saw him pointing at the other demo dogs. One leaped for her, but she managed to stab it with her pole. She swung it around with no control, and felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her back into the bus.
"What the hell were you doing out there?" Steve yelled.
"You needed help!" She yelled back.
"I need you to stay here, so I can protect you, Ash." He lowered his voice a little, but the panic was still there. She nodded as the demo dogs clawed at the doors, managing to scratch Ashley's side. She yelled in pain, and quickly tried covering it with her hands.

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