chapter sixteen, family portrait!

790 25 4
                             the next four months!

nikita_dragun, reigntomlinson, daviddobrik and 723

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nikita_dragun, reigntomlinson, daviddobrik and 723.839 have liked your post!
lilia✅:relationship tings! aka us shopping for our new apartment!!🤩
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839 have liked your post!~~~lilia✅:relationship tings! aka us shopping for our new apartment!!🤩tagged:theastyles~~~comments loading!

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universalmusic, reigntomlinson, lwtomlinson and 1.003.334 have liked your post!
linkstylesadams✅: reign and i have been working on this for the last couple of months and we are super excited to announce that we will be dropping a podcast together titled:link&reign:in progress, out this december! you can officially sign up from monday!
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334 have liked your post!~~~linkstylesadams✅: reign and i have been working on this for the last couple of months and we are super excited to announce that we will be dropping a podcast together titled:link&reign:in progress, out this december! yo...

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peytonelizabethlee, junosangster,finnwolfhard and 883.336 have liked your post!
theostyles✅:joshua and i are going on a tiny hiatus. big things ahead. see you soon!
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maddieziegler, kenzie, milliebobbybrown and 927

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maddieziegler, kenzie, milliebobbybrown and 927.335 have liked your post!
bearpayne✅:to that comment on reign's post that said "bear payne could never" all i have to say is "bear payne cound only for juno sangster"
including drop a clothing line named:
"bear x juno"
tagged: junosangster
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335 have liked your post!~~~bearpayne✅:to that comment on reign's post that said "bear payne could never" all i have to say is "bear payne cound only for juno sangster"including drop a clothing line named:"bear x juno"tagged: junosangster~~~commen...

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lwtomlison, gigihadid,tanapaul and 833

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lwtomlison, gigihadid,tanapaul and 833.543 have liked your post!
harrystyles✅:two type of tours i have for this summer!(thirdwheeling to the max!!) H, xx
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543 have liked your post!~~~harrystyles✅:two type of tours i have for this summer!(thirdwheeling to the max!!) H, xxtagged:liammayfairshawnmendesniallhoran~~~comments loading!

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liampayne,dacremontgomery,bluwillow and 1.234.334 have liked your post!
lwtomlison✅:canyon moon-ers are currently on a press tour around the us, but have decided to take a break and share this awesome family portrait minus the rest of the family with you! shooting for season four starts soon!
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