we gots problems

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"Ise sorry, John, but Ise gots to look out fer my peoples. Ise got a major contract fer them, fer next year, under da condition that we walk from this job. It bes steady work fer my people."

"We pulled yer ass out of da fire, Norman," Tanya snapped back.

"Your people were on unemployment and we gave them work. You fucking owe us."

Norman pointed his finger at Tanya.

"Listen here, little girl."

"Youse best take that finger out of my face," Tanya sneered, "unless youse wants me to tear it off yer hand."

Lindsay stepped between the two, looking at Tanya.

"Take it easy, love."

"Yes," Norman agreed.

"Youse best listen to your elders."

Lindsay turned to the man.

"And youse best listen to me. Number one. Ise jest saved yer ass and believe me, right now, Ise jest as soon give yer ass to dat little girl, who would probably kick yer fat ass.

Number two. Youse 'as a verbal agreement with TBL, which is binding.

Number three. Ifin youse don't get yer people back on dis site by tomorrow morning, wese will drag yer ass through court and youse will never work in da province again."

Norman smiled.

"Wese don't needs to. Ise been in negotiations with a man from Alberta, whose promised me work fer da next year, at almost double what youse payin' us and 'e is payin' me whole crew til da end of da year."

"Do youse 'as a contract?"

Norman looked at Carl.

"Wese still in negotiations, but he deposited a nice big fat cheque in me account to pay me people until da end of da year. Can youse match dat?"

Carl shook his head.

"No, wese can't Norm, but den again, what ifin dat contract don't come through?"

"Ise been assured dat dis is goin' to be. Mr. Penny gave me 'is guarantee."

Tanya stepped forward again.

"But we also guaranteed you work," she reminded the man.

"We has tons of work comin' up."

"But Mr. Penny telled me dat his client will pay a sixty percent relocation fee and double-time for overtime. Plus 'e will fly me crew up dere and provide accommodations and per diem."

Lindsay looked at her husband and then Tanya.

"Sounds too good to be true."

Clayton laughed.

"And usually when someting sounds too gud to bes true, it usually ain't."

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