"How is the code not my birthday?" I ask.

"Don't be so conceded," He chuckles pulling out multiple manila folders. He closes the safe and sits back up, "This is everything. Sit down, there's some stuff we need to talk about,". I sit down on the chair across from his desk and put the folders in my lap trying not to look at them.

Over the last couple of years Cole wouldn't let me look at the information on Andrey but I have anyway but he doesn't need to know that. The code to the safe is actually my half birthday. I was kinda surprised that I guessed it.

"You're not doing this mission alone," He starts.

"You're coming with?" I question.

"No, I have things to do here, I can't...I would if I could,"

"Wait, wait, wait," I wave a hand in front of my face, "You're telling me, I have to work with other people on my mission,"

"As your director yes, as your uncle I'm sorry I don't want you getting hurt. Your father would haunt the shit out of me if I let you die," We both laugh.

"Who am I working with?" I ask hesitantly. Cole takes out three more folders and hands them to me, "You're letting me stalk them?"

"You would do it on your own time anyway, thought I'd save you the trouble," He chuckles lightly.

"True..." I trail, "Are they good?" I ask referring to the people I'll be working with.

"Best of their class. And the agency, next to your parents of course," He looks up at me, "They're aware of this case, I've told them he's your kill they won't try anything and they know how serious this is for you," I nod as I flip through the folders.

Agent 41: Aspen Viotta

Agent 62: Aziel Lakes

Agent 18: Hayes Kingsl-

"No," I put the last folder on his desk, "Not him,"

"I knew you were gonna say that..." Cole says in a singsong tone, "Phoenix, as much as you hate him, he's one of the best,"

"Who cares he's gonna screw this up," I hiss.

"Kid, please give him a chance, if he's that bad I'll replace him," Cole sighs rubbing his temples.

"But why-"

"Okay, I'm talking as your director now," He starts, I refrain from rolling my eyes at him, "You're going to work with him because I know you would only want the best to work with you and that's what your getting. The three other people who will be working with you are the top in their class and they are all professional, you've held a grudge against Hayes for like four years now-"

"And I'll hold it for longer," I interrupt.

"Get over it," He rolls his eyes.

"Let me think about it....no," I smile.

Unfortunately, I know Hayes is one of the best in the agency. We've both been the top in the agency for the past four years now. We're both determined to be the best.

If you wanna put a label on it, he's my rival. Even though Cole always says 'we're all working for the same team'. Which is true, but I want to be the best like my parents.

When I was sixteen, there was a competition for the agents. You win, you get a special one of a kind made weapon. Me being me, of course I wanted it. So I entered the competition. Each round people kept loosing and dropping like flies. By the final round, it was just me and Hayes. The final round was an obstacle course race.

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