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ALRIGHT ALRIGHT IK THE LAST I POSTED A CHAPTER WAS LIKE DECEMBER 5TH OR SMTH AND NOW ITS AFTER CHRISTMAS- look- i got a cat for the first time- I HAD NO IDEA HOW HARD IT IS TO TAKE A CARE OF A FUCKING KITTEN. this hoe always decides to lay on my fucking tits or attack my hair- wtf dude😟- anyways i just drew smth idk i get bored

Y/ns POV:

After the weird experience on the 5th floor,, me and Sal decided to try meeting the others on the 4th floor  next once we got onto the elevator.

Sally Face soon pressed the 4th floors button.
As soon was we got to the forth floor we went to the police man,,
he was talking underneath his breath as we came to him.

"Hello." Sally Face had said in curious yet kind-ish voice


"Why are you standing here?"

"Im just protecting nosey little freaks like you guys from seeing what they ought not to see"
"now SCRAM. I dont get payed to babysit."

".....Who are you?" I had asked that question before

"I dont know why you couldnt ask your little friend there but I think it's obvious that im a man of the law."

"that didnt answer the question..." I said under my breath

The man then said, "what was that? say it louder so we can all hear ya" he said in a angry tone

"I said- you know what..never-fucking-mind."

"Thats what i thought."

"uh- so...what happened in that room, sir?"

"Police business kid, why dont you kids go run back to your parents."

im so done with this guy. I probably look visibly annoyed because this police dude was giving me some dirty look, then Sally Face said under his breath

Sal then said,, "...wish I could...."

"What was that, wise ass?"

"Nothing." Sal said quickly

"Thats what I thought"

After that we left into the elevator
"Hes so rude..." I said in a annoyed voice
Sally Face shook his head in agreement
and with that we went to the 3rd floor


??? POV:

Once Y/n and Sally Face got to the 3rd floor the realized they couldnt check the right side of the building since the floor was wet, but they noticed someone standing over there, they then  went to the left side. They noticed there was a lady that was quite tall mopping.

The lady had long brown hair that looked a bit messy, she had pretty eyes and seemed to have eye bags. she wore a blue janitors outfit that had some patches of darker blue in it with some brown shoes that were a little dirty.

Sal had decided to check if anyone was home in room 202, but no one was.

Since no one was home they decided to talk to the lady

Travis Phelps x Male!ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt