Chapter 2-Lunch

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I made my way to the lunch room and grabbed my bento. I looked over the tables and saw the girls sitting at one table, and Bakugou with one table? I made the decision to sit with the girls to make some friends. "Hey, girls. I-is it ok if I sit here?" I ask, a bit nervous. "What? Oh, Y/n! Yeah, sit down with us!" A pink girl with pink hair said. I sat down with m bento and started talking to the rest of the girls.

One girl had short brown hair, one had long green hair with a bow at the end. One had short purple hair with what looked like headphone jacks attached to her earlobes, and the other was.....invisible? "Oh. How rude of me. My name is Mina Ashido!" The pink girl says cheerfully. "And my name is Ochako Uraraka!" the brunette says. The rest of them introduced themselves and we talked for a bit.

"Hehe. Looks like Bakugou's got his eye out for you." Mina says playfully as she nudges me in the arm. I look over at him and see him looking at me. He immediately changes his facial expression to a glare and I turn back around "Well I don't think he's got an eye out for me in that kind of way." I say back. She shrugs and I go back to eating. Then Jirou says, "I think you should go over and sit with them." I think about it but then respond, "Nah, I don't think Bakugou would like that at all." Then the rest of them keep saying over and over for me to over there. I finally gave up. "FINE. I'LL GO OVER THERE." I say.

I grab my food and go sit with Bakugou. "This seat open?" I ask Bakugou. He just glares at me. "I'll take that as a yes." I set my stuff down and sit in between him and a boy with spiky red hair. "So-uh, what's your name, beautiful." He asks while scooting in closer to me. I scoot away. "F/n L/n. If you were listening to me in class, you would've known that." I say. The blonde with a black lightning bolt through his hair laughs. "Ohoho. She got you good, Kiri." He says while wiping a tear. The spiky red glares at him and goes back to talking to me.

"Don't listen to a word that idiot says. My name is Eijirou Kirishima." He introduces himself. "And the idiot is Denki Kaminari." I laugh at them. "I'd say that your both idiots trying to get a date with this girl." Bakugou says. I look back at him and smile. His expression changes. "BUT I DIDN'T MEAN THAT IN A WEIRD WAY, DUMBASS." He yells. "Hehe. I know, Bakugou." I say with a laugh. The boys then blurt out. "And we weren't trying to get a date from you either. Nor were we hitting on you." They blush. "Really? Then calling someone beautiful while asking for their name isn't hitting on someone?" I ask. They go silent. The bell rings and I grab my trash to through away. "Well, I'll see you all in class." I say walking away.

I head to my next class. 'English. I hate English.' I think as I walk down the hallway. I enter my classroom and take a seat. Bakugou walks in and takes his seat next to me. "Thanks for what you said at lunch." I thank him. "Tch. I didn't do it for you, dumbass." He says turning away. "Well. Thank you anyways." I smile.

The rest of the class comes in and takes their seats. The teacher walks in and everyone goes quiet. I get out my things and class starts. 'I still hate this class so much.' I think as I take notes. But I had a feeling that this year was going to be a good one. Well, at least now that I have actual friends. If you can take a guess I've never had friends. Everyone was fake and didn't care about me at all. I hope these people aren't like that. But I can feel that they aren't fake like the rest. 'God, I hope these people aren't like the rest.' I think desperately.

Time skip(End of school)

"Bye guys!" I wave bye to my friends and walk home. I really wouldn't call it my home. Just a training camp. All I do when I get "home" is train with people. At least I have a home. My parents died when I was a kid, so these people took me in and started training me at a very young age to become a hero. "Ah, Y/n you're home." A man says to me. "Yes, Mr. Suzuki." I respond with a bow. "Your training clothes are in your room. And you know where to go." I nod and go to my room.

"Will he ever give me a break?" I start to think out loud. "I mean, I've been training non-stop ever since I was a child." I slip on my training clothes and walk out. I head to the training room and meet my training partner for the day.

What Mr. Suzuki does is, he goes out every day when my school ends and asks people out on the streets if they want to have a free training session for the day. Weird, right? But Mr. Suzuki says that it's an effective way for me to improve y skill. By facing different people with different strong holds.

I enter the training room and I'm met with a familiar pair of crimson red eyes. "YOU?!" We shout in unison.


I'M SO SORRY FOR POSTING THIS LATE. I got super distracted and then remembered it. But again I hope to update this tomorrow. Bye bye!( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Word count: 983

The Spark in My Heart (A Bakugou X Reader Fanfiction) {ON GOING}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن