My hero (human! depressed! Suicidal! Flippy x human! Splendid)

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Warning: self-harm and dark stuff.

-flippys pov-
Have you ever felt like no one cares and that they are only your friend because they pity you, that's how I feel, I hate myself, I'm nothing but a psychopath and a useless bitch, splendid is the only light of my life and is the reason I'm still alive but I think he hates me, I could probably understand why, I was sitting with giggles talking to her, I kept a fake smile on, I knew I was lying every time I said I was 'fine', they always believed me when I said I was fine but I knew I wasn't, I wanted to be dead, then she asked me "do you have a crush~" I said "yeah" her eyes brightened with happiness and said "who is it, tell me tell me" I said "I kinda have a crush on splendid" she smiled and said "ooooooh~" and then she said "I'd be glad if you two get together because I know you two would be happy together, he'd be a great boyfriend for you flippy" I smiled and said "yeah I'd be glad too because he's kind and he's cool and he's cute" I blushed and smile and said "he makes me so happy as well" she said "I ship it" I said "I'm glad you do" then I said "I'm going home now ok" she said "ok bye" I said "bye" then I walked home and I went in my house, I sat there knowing that he'd never date me, yeah who wants me, I'm nothing compared to the others.....they are more likable.....I'm not, I then got my knife out and started to cut myself, I had cuts all over my wrists and thighs and neck, I thought to myself "no one likes me, they all pretend to like me, no one wants to date me, I'm useless and annoying, I deserve to die, THIS IS WHAT I DESERVE" after cutting myself I put the knife away and I just cried, I cried myself to sleep.

-splendids pov-
I knew that flippy was depressed, I could tell by the signs that he showed, he had the signs of depression, I wanted to help him but he kept saying that he's fine and nothing is wrong but he does need help, then one day I walked in on him cutting himself, he saw me and hid the knife, he kept saying that he wasn't doing anything, I then said "stop lying flippy if you keep lying it could end your life, I need you to stop lying and tell me the truth" then he said while in tears "that's what I want, I want to die" I then was shocked, I hugged him and said "why.....why did you cut long has this been going on for" he said "2 months" I said "that long.......that's bad.....why haven't you told anyone" then he said "because I know that no one would care......because I'm the bad guy around here.....we are both different people splendid.....your the good guy and I'm the bad guy" then I said "your not the bad guy to me flip" he then said "why do you even care?" Then I said "because I'm a superhero and I help people that need need help because you can't keep on cutting because that could kill you and I don't want you dead" then he just said nothing then I said "it's true" he then fell asleep on me, he looked so cute when he was asleep.

-few days later and splendids pov-
I was gonna help him become more happier because I do have a crush on him and I'd do anything to help him and to make him happy.

-weeks later and flippys pov-
I enjoy spending time with him, I finally had the courage to ask him to be my boyfriend, I went up to him and said "hey splendid can I ask you something in private" he said "sure", we went to a hidden part of the woods, I then said "c-can I ask you s-something" then he said "yep" then I said "will you be my boyfriend" he looked at me shocked I then said "sor-" then he pulled me in for a kiss, I blushed then started kissing back, then after a while of kissing we heard a camera take a photo, it was giggles saying "I SHIP IT!" then she ran off saying "this picture of cuteness is going on instagram nee-heehee" I then said "imma get you back someday" splendid chucked and said "your so cute flippy" I said "no I'm not" he said "yes you are~" I blushed and said "you Baka" he said "your such a tsundere" I growled and then he kissed me again.

-few months later and 3rd person pov-
Everyone knew that flippy and splendid were dating because of giggles and flippy was happy and never hurted himself again

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