Thirty - Shattered

Start from the beginning

"I noticed that what seemed to trigger the flames was the fast and hard movements of your hands. Let's try again, and this time just move your hands together quickly until we can narrow down exactly what it is that ignites your flame."

"Okay, I'll try." Ren clenched her fists together with determination. Within moments she'd powered up the heat in her body and felt the electric sparks zapping around her arms. She did as Todoroki instructed, moving her hands together quickly and harshly to try and ignite flames in her hands.

This time it happened a lot quicker and once again Ren cheered with Todoroki. "I have a theory..." She mumbled after she'd extinguished the flames on her hands and wrists.


"You know how you can start a fire by hitting a piece of flint with steel or two flint rocks together?" Ren asked and Todoroki nodded. "What if that's how my hands work?"

"It could be." He rested his chin in his fingers as he thought. "You do have to strike them together quite quickly and roughly... Okay, let's try this again and this time picture your hands like two pieces of flint rock."

'Hm.' Ren nodded and held her hands apart. She began slapping them together in passing, trying to create as much friction between her palms as possible. This time a flame ignited the fasted it had so far and the two of them exchanged a glance.

"Go again." He instructed.

They repeated the routine until Ren nailed her technique to slapping her hands together just once to make her hands to erupt with brilliant flames.

"Yes! Yes! We did it!" She threw her hands into the air, letting the flames dance around her arms to show off how well she could control her quirk. Todoroki smiled as he watched her celebrate, proud of the work they'd done to get this far. "Todoroki," Ren extinguished the flames on her body and stepped closer to him. "Thank you." She pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much."

He hesitated at first, not sure wether to hug her back or remain frozen like a stick of celery but in the end he chose to wrap his arms around her too, nuzzling into her hair and indulging in the moment of just being proud and happy.

Meanwhile, several floors up from where Ren and Todoroki were training, Endeavour was visited in his office by one of the many researchers appointed to the building. He gestured for his distressed looking scientist to come forward and be seated in front of his desk while he finished writing a note.

"What's so urgent?" He asked as he replaced the cap on his fountain pen and laid it neatly on his notepad.

"Well," She began. "It has to do with Miss Chinami-Ren Arakawa, sir. As you know we've been running some tests on the quirk DNA in her blood, trying to determine how her father devised a serum to manifest so many quirks."


"Well... It's hard to explain how but while we figure that out we thought it best you know." She opened a file labeled CONFIDENTIAL in big bold, red characters and pulled a paper from it. "It appears as though the Doctor took the DNA from people with powerful quirks to create this serum." She handed the page to Endeavour who immediately began scanning the many names listed on the page. "Miss Arakawa has the DNA of over 30 different people within her body, including yours, Sir."

"What?!" He dropped the page and slammed his large fist onto the desk. "Her flame quirk stemmed from me?!" She nodded at him. "But how?! It's so different to mine?!"

"We don't know yet, Sir. The upside is, while we continue to work out how he created this serum, knowing all of this DNA is within her body may give us the opportunity to extract it... And in doing so, we can remove the foreign quirks from her body."

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