The Royalty Weeding of Poseidon in Miranda

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The TheFresh Waters princesses are here to talk to our king about the deal he made with their father the oldest daughter came here to talk about her younger sister I think she might have a different side of how her father had set up her younger sister's future when their father left his The youngest daughter is Miranda to have a little bit of happiness she would have a happy live joyful life as Queen of the sea mother of sea creatures in mother to all sea my nymphs Alexandria is concerned about her little sister's future about what their father has placed a future for his children Miranda will have a lovely partner who will show Miranda kindness and love in a joyful life her father arranged for her happiness and Poseidon will show her love and support for her loss of her father because she doesn't have a reason to love anyoneShe doesn't know how to be happy knowing she won't ever see her father anymore since he had died she feels like life doesn't want her to be happy so she wants to leave the sea world for good but her father has a lifetime plan that will make her happy forever she will be able to love another person there is somebody out their for Miranda I knew Oceanus plans for his daughters lives in they will be happy for the rest of their lives in a true happiness they deserve a chance a true love that theirs heart's desire desires that is the truth of Oceanus lifetime plans a whole life for this daughters love has changed Miranda heart to give love a chance at life in go on a journey that will life after life after years to years of enjoying true desires of happiness that is their true nature happiness

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