Chapter 11:: I Want You Safe

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  "I'm going to-a miss you, Holy Rome."

  Germany sighed, leaning back on the couch next to Gilbert with his fingers kneading his temple. "Look, Gil-" before the blonde could say anything more, the Prussian spoke.

  "Italy." Confused, Ludwig looked at his brother. Before he could question the older man, the albino sucked in a breath. "Ich figured out zhat Italy is in Italy. If she vas in any other country, they would have known and called us up. So I called Spain and Romano, and zhey're on zheir vay to find her now. Zhey say that zhere's a place up in North Italy in the mountains vhere zhey had spotted the 2p's a few times, so zhat's vhere she may be held." He finished, his ruby eyes still glued to the table looks they've been for the past thirty minutes. "You should get ready. Spain said zhey'd meet you at the base of the mountains. The north eastern part of Italy, zhat is."

  The blonde smiled slightly, and stood, placing his large hand on Gilberts shoulder, opposite of where Gilbird was nestled. "Vhy don't you come vith me? It should take you're mind of things, plus, a its a good vay for you to lighten up. A good battle alvays helped bring up your spirits." After a moment, Gilbert grinned, and leapt to his feet.

  After pimping his fist in the air, he ran off shouting. "COME ON GILBIRD, UND BRUDER! VE GOT ARSE TO KICK!"

  Within just ten minutes, Germany had his regular green military pants with black boots, and his black tank-top. His toraso was laced with ammo, and his belt had two holsters, holding two handguns. A rifle, shotgun, and a machine gun rested on his back, bullets strapped over his shoulders and a grenade belt hung loosely around his waist.

  Gilbert wore the same armory with his black boots with daggers hidden within them and his Prussian blue military pants With a white tank. "Ich ready, Vest!" The older brother shouted exidedly as he ran down the hallway, passing the room containing Hungary and Austria. As he passed the half-closed door, he slowed. The Prussian glanced back to see Hungary standing in the doorway. "Hey." He muttered, his eyes flicking to the ground.

  Elizaveta pursed her lips, keeping her orbs focused on the ammo. "Bring Italy back safe. Und stay safe yourself..." The Hungarian sucked in a breath before finally looking at his face. She took two steps, then stood in front of him. She cupped his face in her hands, gently leading his eyes to look into her own. "Please stay safe." Hungary whispered, biting her lip.

  Prussia stared deep into her eyes before closing his. "I'll try." He murmured, then leaned down just slightly, capturing her lips. Elizaveta wasted no time in kissing him back. Prussia slid a hand down her amr, then laced their fingers together as his other hand was placed gently on the back of her neck, weaving through her locks of hair. After a while, they slowly pulled apart. "I'll bring Feli back. Any one who hurts her, vest und I vill kill zhem." He whispered, then bolted down the stairs and out the door.

  A small smile made its way to her lips. "I know you vill."

  What the two didn't know was a certain Austrian had seen the whole scene play before him.


  "I'll-a wait for you-a, Holy Rome!~"

  The Germans reached where Spain and Romano stood, well, Romano was pacing and cursing in Italian under his breath. The helicopter landed, and the two brothers leapt out and jogged over to the other two.

  Spain waved halfheartedly, no smile on his normally cheery face. "Hola, mi amigos! We can't take the chopper! It'll just us away. We have to go by foot. That will give us away. We'll hike, and that'll take about a half hour! If we take a short cut Roma knows!" The Spaniard shouted over the helicopter's turbulence.

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