You laughed as you said that and continued by mocking hotch's voice "He said 'I need you to understand that this case is not a joke. When you walk in there you are not to dance with Spencer whatsoever, you are not to eat or drink anything, and especially DO NOT draw attention to yourself.' or something like that and was just completely yelling at me."

Emily looked at you like you were an absolute idiot, "dude ur earpiece was definitely not off. He probably heard all of Spencer and you being flirty and shit."

oh my god, my mic was not off. That is why he was mad at me. Oh my god, he probably knows Spencer is James. Oh my god, he probably thinks spencer and I are sleeping together because James was who I said on the phone when I picked up his call. I AM SO DUMB. I'm gonna get transferred. There is no way I come out of that meeting tomorrow still with a job at the BAU.

"God, I hope not because of what I did after that 100% does not help my case." Emily laughed at you. "So to dig me into a deeper hole, when we were at the gala we were the only ones sitting. Everyone was up, eating, talking, or dancing. I kept hearing hotch in my ear practically yelling at us not to dance until spencer grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the dance floor."

Emily made sexual gestures towards you about spencer as you lightly hit her in the arm and said "Stop bitch" and laughed. "They played lovegame, Emily. how was I not supposed to dance."

"Hotch was in my ear the whole time telling me to stop dancing but as soon as the song came on i went into it. I was practically all over spencer, we were dancing and having fun." Emily gave you the 'you idiot' stare before letting you continue.

"I know I shouldn't have done it but I grinded against him and he moved his hands all up and down me. I was screaming the song so hotch could hear it and so that he knew that I was dancing. I wanted him to know that I was having fun dancing with spencer."

Emily's eyes went wide, "You are such a bitch. I love it."

"We sat back down after the song was over and that's when hotch went absolutely mental on me." You sighed before continuing, "He was yelling at me like there was no tomorrow and I got sick of it so I turned my earpiece and everything off"

"Y/n do you know how dangerous that is?" Emily said slightly scolding you, "Well yeah I know now I got my head bashed after I went to the bathroom." oh shit Emily did not know this yet.

Emily was about to freak out before you went, "just wait I'll get to that part."

"But, After I turned my mic off that's when I saw it. Spencer had a massive tent in his pants." Emily choked on her drink and spat it out. "NO WAY" she screamed. "No way he had a boner because of that."

"I dance well" you winked at her "But let me tell you that man is hung like a motherfucker. Anyways, I left to go to the bathroom because I assumed he needed a minute to cool off" you and Emily giggled at that before you said, "but that's when shit went south."

"One of the girls who had been kidnapped followed me to the bathroom and basically told me her life story before saying she was taken. So I told her that I was part of the FBI and that we were here to get all the women out. And I gave her the normal routine shit to do. She left."

"So that's it?" Emily said to you and you looked at her with shocked eyes, "Bitch please" and continued

"Yeah, so I walked out of that bathroom and was literally in the process of turning my shit back on to talk to hotch and I got hit over the head with something and the next thing I knew I woke up to the sound of gunshots and was tied to a chair."

Emily totally freaked out at this point "What the fuck are you ok? You don't come out of something like that and go back to work three days later. You should ask Hotch for more time." you looked at her "After what happens I don't even want to talk to hotch."

"Basically Hotch carried me out of the building while I was all drowsy and I barely got out a thank you to him before he said 'always' back to me and carried me to the emergency people."

"WHAT?" Emily by now has completely lost her shit trying to process all of this "Bitch you really are living in a movie right now."

"Sure, whatever you call it." you said back "so then I got cleared by the medic lady and I went to go find Hotch to thank him but he was nowhere to be found and then I spotted him."

Your eyes began to water as you started to recall and tell this to her. "He was across the lot absolutely screaming at Spencer about God knows what and I went to walk over." Your eyes really began to fill up and Emily noticed putting a hand on your leg to try and calm you down.

"As I walked up to them Hotch looked at me, scoffed, and stormed off and I don't even know why." Your voice finally cracked and the tears started to flow.

"So I looked at spencer to ask what happened and he then proceeded to yell at me too. And I tried to lighten the situation by making a joke but it just made everything worse and Spence was pissed." You were completely sobbing at this point and Emily was just trying to let you finish your story before she comforted you.

"So then Spence finally yelled at me 'Enjoy talking to Hotch when you get back because that man is ready to absolutely kill you.' and he stormed off. Emily what do I even do now I have to go back to work tomorrow."

You sobbed and Emily pulled you into a hug and completely engulfed you in her arms. You two just sat there for a second while you pulled yourself somewhat together. She pulled away to talk to you. "Hey, you are going to go in there tomorrow and tell them what the fuck happened and make them all apologize to you."

You pulled back and laughed slightly while sniffling all the snot you had in your nose. "Thank you Em, I really needed that." You hugged her again but it was a short one.

You looked at the clock and had seen at this point it was midnight and you felt terrible for keeping her so late. She clearly noticed that you watched the clock and said, "Y/n I can stay here tonight if you want."

"Oh god please that would be amazing em." you smiled as you two curled up on the couch because all you needed was comfort after all of that and Emily was always there for you no matter what.


2695 words

What Happens Behind Closed Doors || Aaron Hotchner x Y/Nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن