Thanos stood up and tried to blazed Thor with the power from the stones. Thor threw the Stormbreaker at Thanos and the Strombreaker hits Thanos' chest. Thor went near Thanos and held Thanos' head. 

"I told you. You'd die for that!" Thor said and he forces the Stormbreaker deeper on Thanos' chest. Thanos screamed in pain. With his screams, Y/N regained consciousness. 


I rolled on my tummy and slowly kneel on the ground. I held my stomach and saw Thor with his new hammer on Thanos' chest. 

"You should have... you..." Thanos said. "You should have gone for the head!" Thanos added with strength on his words. I saw him raised his hand and snapped.

"NO!" Thor shouted. 

"What'd you do?" Thor asked as he panicked in front of Thanos. I stood up and went near them. "WHAT'D YOU DO?!" Thor asked angrily. Instead of answering, he used the space stone to teleport again. Making Thor's weapon dropped on the ground. I saw Steve walking near us. 

"Steve!" I called him. I went near him and hugged him. We hugged each other and we broke it as he went near Thor.

"Where'd he go? Thor... where'd he go?" Steve asked.

"Steve?" We heard Bucky's voice. We looked at him and I gasped as I saw him turned to dust as he fell on the floor. 

"Oh God.. no..." I said. I looked around me and saw others began to vanished. Then, I remembered people. My kids. I got my phone on my pocket. I got it and saw cracks on it. I opened it and saw it's working. I immediately called Happy and I began to panic as he never answered his phone. 

"Come on! Answer it, damn it!!" I said. 

"Y/N!" I heard Rhodey's voice. I looked behind me and saw him in one piece.

"Happy's not answering. He's with the kids and I--I--" 

"Who else is with them?" Rhodey asked. 

"Pepper!" I said. I ended the call and called Pepper instead, hopefully she answers. 

"Come on..." I said. 

"Y/N?!" I heard Pepper's voice.

"Thank God! Where are the kids? Are they okay?!" I asked.

"What's happening Y/N? Everybody around us were becoming dust."

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" I asked as I panicked.

"We're at the supermarket to buy some food. I saw Happy turned to dust... Then, everyone around us turned to dust."

"The kids??" I asked with fear on my voice.

"Mommy!!" I heard James and Tal's voices. 

"Oh thank God, you're okay..." I said. 

"Mommy, we're scared.." Tal said. 

"Mommy will be there, okay? Are you and James okay?" I asked.

"James and I are okay mommy. It's scary, mommy. Where's daddy?" Tal asked. That shook me. I looked at Rhodey as tears fell from my eyes. Rhodey held my arms and tried calming me.

"Daddy was left on the space. The bad guy got mommy away from daddy and brought me back here on Earth. I hope daddy's okay.. He's with Peter." I said. 

"I hope daddy doesn't turn to dust to.. I want my mommy and daddy." Tal said. 

"I'll be there baby. Can I talk to auntie first?" 

"Okay. I love you mommy." Tal said.

"I love you too mommy." James said.

"I love you too guys." I said and I wiped my tears. 

"Y/N?" I heard Pepper's voice.

"Can you bring the kids to the compound first. Pack their stuff. I'll meet you guys there." I said.

"Okay. Take care, Y/N." Pepper said.

"Okay..." I ended the call. 

"How's the kids?" Rhodey asked.

"They're scared. But, they're fine. I worry about Tony." I said. 


Peter helped me up and saw the rest came near us. 

"Something's happening." I heard Mantis said. I fearfully looked at them and as I saw Mantis becomes dust. It shocked me and scared the hell of me. Then, I looked at Drax as I saw his arms starts to become dust.

"Quill.." Drax said before he turned to dust. I went near Quill and looked at him as he looked exhausted.

"Stay, Quill." I said. 

"Oh man." Quill said and he immediately turned to dust. I looked at the ground and slowly looked behind me. 

"Tony." I heard Strange's voice. I fearfully looked at him. "There was no other way." He said and turned to dust. 

"Mr. Stark." I heard Peter's voice. I horrifyingly looked at him. No, not him, please...

"I don't feel so good." Peter said as he walked near me, crunching his stomach.

"You're all right." I said as I tried to remain calm. 

"I don't know what's -- I don't know what's happening. I don't--" Then, he fell into my arms. I held him to me as he hugged me. "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, Mr. Stark, please. Please, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go..." Peter begins to cry in my arms. I softly kneel and placed him on the ground. He looked at the sky and into me as he slowly turned to dust in front of my eye. 

"I'm sorry." Peter said as he slowly disintegrate in my arms. I looked at my arms and I sat on the ground. 

"He did it." Nebula said. I shake my head as I mourn. Wait! My wife!... My kids!... Oh, please... Not them, please... I can't afford to lose them, not after I lose Peter... I put my hands on my mouth and silently cry as I think about my family.

Tony Stark X Reader *COMPLETED #WATTYS2021Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora