The Marauders - Chapter 1

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*****REWRITTEN 7/7/13******

Chapter One 


Once heaving my trunk onto the train and shoving it on the wall rack in the nearest free cubicle I turn and cross towards the window. I watch as a short skinny boy rushes across the platform towards me, brushing his long black hair out of his eyes he turns to kiss his mother goodbye. “Sev!” I shouted out the window to catch the boys attention as I waved he caught who was shouting and waved back hurrying over. Meeting him at the carriage door I helped him drag his trunk up and onto the same wall rack as mine.
“Hi Lily” he gasped heavily breathing from lifting the trunk. “How was your holidays, we were meant to meet up.” The train whistled implying it was time to leave.
“You know I wanted to spend as much time with my parents and Tuney as possible.” I looked at him apologetically before turning back to the window and waving goodbye to my family as we pulled out of station.
“But...” His smile turned into a frown he switched his gaze to the now fast moving countryside outside the window. I stood up reaching into my jean pocket to retrieve the prefect badge that has accompanied my Hogwarts letter.
“I have to go up to the front carriage with the rest of the prefects.” Sev looked up at my badge with awe as I fastened it to the front of my jumper.
“You never said. Congratulations.” He gave me a weak smile before returning to staring out the window. I took that as my cue to leave. I wonder who the other Gryffindor prefect would be. 

Sliding round a first year I entered the prefect’s carriage and took a quick glance around. My eyes met with Remus Lupin wearing a shiny red badge just like mine. How did he get that? He hangs out with James and Sirius, how does that work? He smiled and gestured me over to the spare seat next to him. “You’re Lily Evans?” A tall burly seventh year cornered me before I could take a seat. He was a Ravenclaw. I nodded before moving and taking the seat next to Remus. “Good, I was beginning to wonder where you were.” He took his attention of me and turned to the rest of the carriage, clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Right, well I’m Roderick Muldoon, Head Boy and this,” he gestured at the short Hufflepuff I passed when I entered thinking she was a first year. “Is Elenor Parkes she’s...”
“...Head Girl.” Elenor finished. “Now we’ve cleared that up we’d like to introduce the newbie prefects for this year. The Hufflepuffs are Ophelia Platt and Graham O’Hare” she pointed out the two already dressed in robes, yellow ties done up perfectly. I already knew them from Herbology last year. Across from them were Adrian and Bridget the Ravenclaws and from them across the aisle were the Slytherins. Violetta Bole, she smirks when introduced as if she’s the queen of the wizarding world and not a school prefect, and next to her was Jeremy Morcott. “And last the Gryffindors, Lily Evans and Remus Lupin. Now we know everyone let’s get on.” Once Roderick had finished explaining who was taking what shift to patrol the corridors I turned my concentration towards Remus.
“How’d you get to be prefect?” He turned to look at me with a surprised look.
“I’m well behaved...” his look softened into a grin, “I have no idea, probably to try and keep them in line.” Them being Sirius and James, I grinned knowing that wouldn’t happen.
“Likely story, well I’ll see you later.” Getting up I made my way down the train back to Sev and our compartment. 

The door to the compartment was held open by a short rat-like boy. Of course they’d be picking on Sev, “Pettigrew out of the way!” Shoving him into the corridor I entered the compartment to see what James and Sirius had done this time. Sev was sitting in the corner just as I’d left him, his pointed nose in a book. Basic hexes for the busy and vexed. James was sitting opposite him jabbing his wand into Sev’s leg. He looked up as I walked in and a smirk spread across his face, “Alright Evans?” His eyes crossed my chest pausing slightly before reaching the Prefects badge, he elbowed Sirius. “Looks like we won’t have to worry about Prefects this year.” They both looked at each other and grinned.
“And why is that may I ask?” They looked back up at me with smirks.
“You won’t tell on us and neither would Moony” speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear. Remus entered the compartment and sat down next to Sev.
“ Oh I won’t, won’t I? Course I will, if you’re breaking the rules I’ll deduct house points and tell Professor McGonagall on you.” The smirks disappeared off their faces.
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
“She would.”  Sev looked up from his book and shot an evil glance at James.
“Even if I didn’t, Jeremy Morcott is Prefect as well so he’ll be following you everywhere getting you into trouble.” Pettigrew gasped, sitting down next to Remus he let out another gasp. James’ brow furrowed beneath the rim of his glasses.
“How on earth did Morcott get Prefect?”
“Don’t ask me, how did he?” I thrust my thumb in Remus’ direction. Sirius looked up from Remus to me.
“I suppose everyone in Slytherin is evil, so they had to pick a slightly less evil one than the rest.” Sev put his book down enough to show his eyes glaring at Sirius.
“Not all Slytherins are evil.” I argued giving Sev a sympathetic look.
“No not all I suppose... But the ones with long greasy hair sure are evil.” Sev put his book down, looking like he was about to start a fight. I interjected ensuring there would be no fights on my first day of Prefect duty.
“Out! GET OUT! That was out of order Sirius, get out!” Grabbing Pettigrew I shoved him into the corridor, “go on follow him!” They got up and exited the compartment, Remus looked round on his way out and gave me a sorry look, as if apologising for their actions. Closing the door I replaced James and sat opposite to Sev who was now back reading his book.
“Thanks Lily” he barely whispered over the book. He lowered it enough for me to see his slight smile.
“Ignore them Sev,” I patted his knee, “they’re just meanies.” I stood up again to remove a book from my trunk, Standard book of spells: grade 5, and sitting back down I read up on some of the spells we’d be learning this year. 


“Did you have to Padfoot?” I shoved him into the compartment quite hard that he fell onto the stuffed leather bench. He looked up at me with a sorrowful look.
“Sorry mate, I didn’t think she’d throw us out... She’s feisty that Evans.”
“Course, she’s a redhead, that’s one of the reasons I like her.”
“What that she’s a redhead or that she’s feisty?”
“Both!” They all cracked up laughing except Peter. “What’s up Wormtail?” He looked up from a dazed dream.
“Huh? Urm sorry Prongs”
“So anyway, think we’ll win the Quidditch cup again this year?” I turned to Sirius, changing the subject.
“Course we will! We have one of the best chasers the worlds ever seen.” He laughed and slammed his hand down on my shoulder.
“Well that’s true, I am the best aren’t I?” I put on a serious but proud face managing to hold it for only a few moments before breaking down in a fit of laughter.
“I said one of mate don’t flatter yourself..” He removed his hand and grabbed out the pack of cards from his trunk above, “anyone up for exploding snap?”


“Sev?” I looked up to see Lily at the door, “I have to patrol the corridors for an hour... will you be okay?” I nodded and went back to my book. I wanted to get some ideas of how to hex and curse Potter and his gang. I was fed up of them bullying me and more fed up of a girl having to fight my battles. The entire summer I’d been reading up on some hexes that seemed easy enough to pull off, I just had to try them out. Reading kept me out of the way of my fighting parents; they just couldn’t seem to agree. Course that’s Mother’s fault for marrying a muggle, they’re just know-it-alls. If only I could just turn 17 quicker so I could get rid of that lying muggle for good. I could’ve gotten out the house more if Lily had given time to hang out with me. But no. 

The compartment door slid open, surely Lily wasn’t back already? Looking up I saw Avery and Mulciber come in and sit opposite, although fellow Slytherins they weren’t friendly at all. “Alright Snape?” I nodded catching them staring at the book.
“Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed aye? Who you planning on hexing?” Avery raised his eyebrow at this, obviously thinking I was too much of a coward to try.
“Potter and his gang... the Gryffindors.” They both laughed and snorted before I could even finish my sentence.
“You’re planning to hex Potter? Ha I’d love to see you try!” I pulled out my wand, 13.5 inch birch with dragon heartstring, and deciding to try out one I’d just read about. I muttered “Furnunculus.” Mulciber broke out in an array of boils across his wide face. He brought his hand up to his face once he’s realised what I’d done.
“What on earth!” Avery exclaimed looking at Mulciber’s face.
“He wanted to see me try... so I tried.” With a slight smirk I watched their faces scrunch up with annoyance.
“You’ll pay for this Snape... when there’s no tell tales around!” They left the compartment and finally left me in peace. Going back to my book I reached out my bag for my quill and wrote a small note next to the hex, works well with large boils to the face. Knowing I had no friends now apart from Lily I grabbed her copy of standard book of spells: grade 5 and began to touch up my brain. It was O.W.Ls this year after all. 

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