Jill Roord #1

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A/N : Being rivals on pitch doesn't mean being rivals in real life.

Today is the day. London derby. I'm heading to the stadium with my best friend and teammate, Sam Kerr. We know we have to win this game but still, the atmosphere is pretty chill. In our locker room, I can see all the girls getting ready calmly, there is not much pressure. It's not what Arsenal's atmosphere seems to be like. You can see all the girls are under pressure and they look nervous as hell.

            During the game, it shows even more. Arsenal's players can't stop tackle and we manage to have a nice free kick position as Jill Roord decides to take me down. Fran and Erin are near me to see if I want to take it or what strategy I want us to use. I tell them I'll take care of it and adjust my position quickly. I know exactly what I have to do because I've worked every training this season to put those in. The referee blows and I hit the ball perfectly making it fly to the top corner of the net. I run to our bench and jump on my teammates and coaches. Thanks to this, we win 1-0. After celebrating a bit on the pitch, we go to the Arsenal's girls to check hands. I catch Jill Roord looking at me weirdly, but I don't really act on it. I walk to her confidently holding my hand up for her to check it.

"Nice free kick." She compliments.

"All credits to the one who tackled me." I chuckle.

"Don't make it harder, please." She frowns playfully. "See you around, I hope." She winks.

"See you." I wink back.

"What was that?" Sam laughs on our way back to the locker room.

"What?" I frown at her.

"She was totally flirting with you, girl." Sam chuckles. "Act on it, she is pretty."

"You might be right." I admit but keep walking.

            After celebrating in our locker room, the coaches invite us to the restaurant and then, we decide to go to some nice pub we know. We are enjoying our night when another group enters the pub. I don't mind them at all until someone hugs me from behind.

"Who's that?" I fake not recognizing the familiar smell.

"Your favorite opponent, love." Leah Williamson chuckles in my ear.

"Is that Jordan Nobbs?" I chuckle and she hits my shoulder while Jordan comes to hug me. "Are you girls okay?" I finally say.

"Am I still your favorite?" Leah pouts like a child.

"Of course, you are." I send a knowing look to Jordan.

"I pretend not to see this look." Leah quickly says. "And then, yes I'm good. The lose still hurts but what can I say? Beautiful free kick." She shrugs.

"Thanks, babe." I smile at my friend.

            Some other Arsenal's girls join us, and I catch Jill looking at me once again. Well, it's more staring than looking at me, and it makes me smirk widely. Sam chuckles next to me and hits my rib softly.

"Go for it." She whispers.

"What are you girls doing tonight?" Millie asks Leah.

"Maybe going to the club or just chilling here, we don't really know." Leah answers.

"You guys should stay here, we were about to play some games, it might be fun." Sam suggests with a huge smile.

"I'm down." Danielle Van de Donk says. "Girls?"

"Same." Beth Mead and Lisa Evans say at the same time.

"Jill?" Vivianne Miedema asks. "Is it good with you?"

"Of course." Jill shyly nods.

"Perfect, it's settled then." Millie happily says.

            The girls sit and, of course, Jill sits next to me. Every time I look in her direction, I catch her staring at me, and she blushes when she sees I caught her. After an hour, everyone is pretty drunk, and we ask to the barmaid we know very well to put some music on. All the girls start to dance, except for Jill. Sam makes me acknowledge it and tells me to go to her.

"Not in the mood?" I sit next to her confidently.

"Got something on my mind." Jill admits looking at her hands.

"Care to share it with some unknown girl?" I chuckle making her relax a bit.

"Well, it's kind of complicated." She starts and looks at me. "There is this girl I have a huge crush on. But she will more likely never even notice me because she is a rival and all."

"Is that really important?" I frown. "I mean, being rivals on the pitch doesn't necessarily mean being rivals in real life. Look at us now. We're rivals but everything is fine, no pressure, no hate, nothing bad." I smile and she reciprocates the smile.

"I know..." She sighs after a second looking in my eyes. "The thing is, she seems so untouchable, so unique, so great... I feel like I might not be good enough for her."

"Stop it." I interrupt her. "You are more than good enough, Jill."

"So, you could be interested in me?" She looks straight to my eyes.

"Of course, yes. I would be a very difficult person not to be interested in you." I chuckle and it makes her smile widely.

"Oh, thanks God, yes!" She seems so relieved. "Would you like to dance with me, maybe?"

"It depends." I smirk. "I still don't really know who your crush is."

"You want to play dumb, Y/LN?" She raises her eyebrow her head getting closer to mine, and the pression getting thicker and thicker.

"No. I want to hear you say it." I smirk getting closer too.

"Fine..." She closes her eyes not able to keep the eye contact. "You're the girl I crush on. Is that fine with you?"

"Couldn't ask for more." I say softly closing the gap between us.

            I kiss her softly first, making sure it is really what she wants. Once she answers positively to the kiss, I take the lead and deepen the kiss.

"Get it, Y/LN!" Sam shouts making all the girls turning to us.

"Finally, Jill grew some balls!" Lisa yells too.

"Do you still want to dance with me?" I ask her in a chuckle, and she accepts gladly.

            This might be the start of something good.

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