~Christmas Special~

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16 users has come online

{PlainJane} Merry Christmas Everyone!

{Pantaboi} Thanks Shirogane-san :D

{Caregiver} Woooooo 🥳

{Stalkerdude} Happy Holidays

{Cleanfreak} Hey everyone! We should do a Fast-Paced Secret Santa

{NyehNyehBitch} Awe Hell yeah.

{InventorYUH} Time limit?

{SEESAAAW} Time limit.

{Atua'sGirl} Atua says its a holy idea and we should have it by tonight! 6 pm sharp

{IGaveUpOnHumanity} Sounds good.

{HIGHASF} whats the price limit?

{Cleanfreak} no price limit, it would slow us down


{Pantaboi} Okay? I guess I'll go?

{LesLesSuperLes} Yes Ouma you can go you precious bby 🥺🥺🥺

**Pantaboi has gone offline**

{Stalkerdude} Shut yo stanky butt up, hes my precious bby 💗💓💖💕💛🤧

{LesLesSuperLes} calm down jamal. Dont pull out the 9 👀

{NyehNyehBitch} Saihara, thats gay

{Stalkerdude} I am gay 👀

{ScrapsO'Metal} 👀💅

{Bugs} GAH DAYUM🧑‍🦲

{Cleanfreak} yall better go cuz its in... 5 hours.

{InventorYUH} Oh SHI-

**15 users has gone offline**

Tojo fidget spinnered her way up to everyone's dorms with a hat and 16 pieces of paper with a name on each and every one.

She knocked on the doors and dropped a random paper on the floor. She took the last one and went out on her own journey to find the most perfect gift.

Okay. Maybe she sabotaged some of the papers.

The girl has her own ships too okay?


Ouma opened his door. There, he saw a piece of paper.

'Must be for the Secret Santa' he thought. He unfolded the paper.


Ouma had no clue what to get Saihara. He had no interest in books, plus Ouma's practically broke.

There's only one thing to be done.


Saihara rushed to the door, trying not to be rude by making whoever at the door wait.

Saihara looked around then looked down. There, by his feet, is a piece of paper. It said "Ouma" on it.

Saihara smiled with glee, that he could go on a killing spree!
[HaH im doctor Seuss>:)]

He threw on some decent clothes, grabbed his key, and went out the door.

[Time skip]

Tojo patiently waited for her esteemed guests to arrive. One by one, each person arrived, from big bags to small gifts, from many to none. From the obvious to the hidden. Each of her classmates walked into the lounge.

As soon as the last person came, Tojo stood up.

"Welcome one and all to our annual fast-paced Secret Santa."

"No need for the formality, Tojo." Ryoma said.

Tojo nodded and cleared her throat. "Now, who wants to go first?"

Noone raised their hand. They were too nervous to start. Would the person they got like it? Or would they throw it down a pit?

Tojo looked around and smiled. She pointed to Korekiyo. "You go first." She said casually.

Korekiyo nodded his jead and stood up, then walked to Amami. "Here."

Amami took the little gift from Korekiyo's hands and neatly ripped it apart. A cute little avocado keychain, dangling from his hands.

Amami laughed and thanked Korekiyo, to which Korekiyo smiled.

Amami stood up and walked over to Ryoma, carefully cradling a box. Ryoma took it and looked inside. There were cat food, cat litter box, cat bed, and a bunch of cat toys.

"Whats this?" Ryoma asked.

"Here, one more thing."

Amami assisted the small box into the short guy's hands. He opened the lid and inside was a cute persian kitten.

Ryoma stared up at Amami and thanked him. He took the kitten out of the box and craddled it.

It was Ryomas turn. And walked towards Himiko.

It went on and on and on until there were only two people left.

Ouma and Saihara.

Saihara walked up to Ouma and gave him a nice checkered scard, accompanied by purple flowers.

Ouma had nothing in his hands, instead, he thanked Saihara and hugged him. Saihara smiled with a bright red blush.

"Ouma, you have no gift?" Tojo asked. But in reality, she wanted this to happen, and happen it did.

"Hug." Ouma said plainly.

Tsumugi was fangirling, and Maki was trying so desperately to hold in a laugh.

Tsumugi stood up and gave Ouma a bag, he took them out and looked at them. Purple hair dye and a contact case.

"Thanks Shirogane-san." He said.

Tsumugi smiled and walked away.


Woop woop merry christmas 🙌

I may or may not be planning a new years eve chapter but here you go :)

I know, it's pretty short.

I have a quick question.
Whats the weirdest gift you've gotten?


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