Merry Christmas, Nineteen

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Disclaimer: I'm aware that Vasquez was not a lieutenant.

And it's like a line in here that's coincidentally similar to @vicsurrera second part of her Christmas oneshot, but then again... it's kind of not.

I'm also really obsessed with a Surrera Family so....


On the twenty-fifth of December, some would be snuggled next to a fireplace sipping on whatever could bring them warmth

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

On the twenty-fifth of December, some would be snuggled next to a fireplace sipping on whatever could bring them warmth. Some would be watching the drastic change in children's faces as they ripped apart the holiday themed paper that took their parents hours to fold and tape. Some would be doing things of their everyday life. Well Station 19 would be doing it all, all three of them and more.

"Okay 19 listen up!" Was the first thing to come out of Chief Sullivan's mouth as he closed the door to the engine. Just coming back from a nine car pile-up caused by the dangerous act of mother nature... black ice. He waited for everybody to show their faces from every every corner of the barn. "First off I would like to make it known that I appreciate every who volunteered to stick around and help out for this."

"Are we still getting paid?" It was a joking tone.

"Even though that was a joke, Yes A and C-Shift will be getting paid since they will actually be going on all remaining calls tonight, I decided that an hour ago. Everyone else, the key word was 'Volunteer' and as for A- shift this is your assigned shift so you will be getting paid anyways. " He replied as everyone around laughed. "But really. Even though I made the ones who had kids go home, I appreciate you all even though you do not, for staying."

Out of every direction, he was threw 'no problem, chief.' and phrases along those lines. "I think all of A-team and C-shift is here." He looked around at the firefighters that spread around. "Some of B and D. So A- team, since this is your actual shift, it means you are hosting the event. B shift. Your assignments are posted on my door. Lieutenant Vasquez you are acting Captain out there if any calls come through even though you a on B-shift, I am putting you with C. .. B and D, there is a table in the lobby set up with food and plates for homeless people. I need signs out there to let them know to come in, and you will be serving them also." He watched as he nodded. "I trusted that everyone brought at least 2 gifts for each a boy and girl today already wrapped and under the tree over there. There are nine girls and nine boys." They nodded.

"I thought St. Mary's only housed girls." A voice from the catwalk said. He looked up at it being someone from C shift.

"It does." He clarified. "We will personally deliver to the boys after we are done. They are at St. Joseph's. Now let's remember, these kids are foster children. The only family they have is each other. So try not to ask about that. Copy?" He asked with his hands now around his back.

"Copy." Unison.

He nodded, obviously satisfied. "Engine stays in right here in the barn, Ladder and Aid car, parked outside. They are both fully stocked and ready to go. They will be here in two hours." He looked around again.  "Dismissed. A-team, stay. Hughes, you're up."

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