19: trevor wilson

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"T-that's Bobby!" Luke said as Julie showed the three ghosts a photo of an older guy, around 40 years old.

"I just told you his name is Trevor." Julie said, waving her arms and looking at them.

"No, no that's definitely Bobby.. he was our rhythm guitarist." Alex said, pointing at the screen. "Ugh he looks like a substitute teacher.."

Luke however was more angered than relieved to see his best friend making it big in music.

"What were his other hits." He blankly asked, constantly moving around.

"Get lost?"

"Yeah, Luke wrote that."

"Long weekend?"

"Blake wrote that.. Shes going to freakout." Reggie said, convincing his mouth with his hand.

"Crooked teeth?"

"Luke wrote that, it was about reggie." Alex stated, the dark haired boy frowning.

"I thought that's as about you and Blake! I don't like that song anymore.." Reggie said, kicking the air and crossing his arms.

"Why would I write a song like that about Blake..?" Luke said, annoyed but confused.

He shook off whatever Reggie said and threw darts at the dart board. "Look, this is just another issue we have to deal with. First Blake goes missing for two days, now Bobby being a selfish ass?!" He said, running his hands through his hair.

Julie looked down. "And Quinn's date didn't go too well." She said, only speaking about it because the blonde haired girl wasn't with them.

"What do you mean her date didn't go well?" Alex asked, frowning at the girl.

Julie started to fidget with her fingers then said "he tried to get her to go back to his house but she wasn't ready to see his dad because of what happened with Blake. Then they got into a heated argument." Julie paused for a second.

"She hasn't left her room since." The curly haired girl said, noticing the frowns on the boys faces were more angry than sad.

Luke however became more angry. His blood boiled as he thought about the events. And what made it worse for him was that the only person who could calm him down was Blake, and she wasn't around right now.

"We need to go to Bobby's. Where does he live?" He asked as calmly as possible, taking a deep breath.

"Above the beach in Malibu."

The three ghosts looked at each other, nodding their heads as they vanished to find their old bandmate.

"Holy shit.." Alex said as they appeared in the mans living room, the modernized structure leaving them in shock.

"Dude that poster up there makes him look stupid. Like what even is that." Reggie said, Luke wondering if to look at the records hung on the walls.

"He recorded my name is Luke.." the brunette began, turning around to face his friends. "MY name is Luke!"

The ghosts all turned their attention to the front door, watching their aged bandmate enter.

"Hey Carrie I'm going to meditate!" He announced as he made his way up the stairs.

His daughter responded back as the ghosts began up the stairs behind the man. "Time for his past to haunt him."

"Wait.. this is my first time haunting.. I want to make it special." Alex said, stopping his two friends.

"Ok Alex.." Luke said, ignoring the blondes request and continuing up the stairs.

"Yeah that was weird.." Alex sighed, following the two towards wherever Bobby went.

"So your friend willie can help us get revenge on him?" Luke asked as the three ghosts left Bobby's house and made their way to the park.

"Yeah.. he's got skill." Alex said, the two other boys smirking.

"Whoa look at that guy!" Reggie said as they got to the park, pointing to a long haired boy skating around.

"Hotdog! You've brought friends." The long haired boy said as he approached the group.

"Oh yeah, these are my bandmates luke and Reggie." Alex said, pointing to each boy.

"Didn't you say there were four of you though?" Willie asked, Luke's smile dropping as Alex glanced over to him.

"Yeah, there are.. but we haven't seen our fourth for two days now." Alex said, "but we do need a favor."

"Oh I'm sorry about that. But sure, what's up?" Willie said, patting the blondes shoulder.

"Our old bandmate stole all of our songs and our legacy and we want to get some revenge." Luke said, coming out of his sadness a little bit.

Willie nodded. "And is this friend a lifer?" The boy asked, making Luke and Reggie furrow their eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh a lifer is a living person." Alex reminded the two, Luke nodding his head.

"Yeah, yeah he's a lifer." Luke said.

"Mhm, too good for street dogs.." Reggie scoffed.

Willie frowned and shook his head. "Yeah that's even out of my league. But, I do know a ghost powerful enough that could help you.."

"Anything would help.."

"Meet me where Alex and I met at eight." Willie said with a smirk, placing his skateboard down to ride off.

"Wait, we have a gig tonight at 9 with Julie, so we only have an hour." Luke said.

Willie nodded and continued to ride away. Waving goodbye to the three remaining ghosts.

"I'll meet up with you guys later.. alright?" Luke said, looking at the two boys as they gave him a nod, the boy vanishing.

Reggie frowned. "Where's he going?"

"To look for Blake." Alex said, slumping down to the park bench and taking a breath.

Although Luke won't show it, he's in pain. His life wasn't going too well for him, the girl he loved the most was missing, and his best friend stole his dreams and didn't bother mentioning him.

The amount of emotions the brunette has gone through within the last 24 hours was unbelievable. He hasn't slept once, spending each night sneaking out and looking for Blake, then landing up at his parents house and in his room crying.

But each member of sunset curve had their childhood trauma moments, making them regret their decisions after but still approving of them.

✔️Bright: The after life ||luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now