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I’m awakened by a kiss from Christopher. Feeling all bubbly inside, I jump right up,

“Coffee?” I ask

“We need to talk about…” Christopher trailed off trying to be gentle with me about John.

“John.” I interrupted. “I know we do. How about we talk about it over coffee? Starbucks? I know how you love your black coffee.” I smile, then kiss him. I find completely trying to avoid a subject is much easier when it’s possible to shut someone up by kissing them.

We make our way to the closest Starbucks. Starring at the giant menu above the resister, I find myself drifting in thought, back and forth from hot chocolate to John; pumps of raspberry, to his lifeless body.

While I was staring into space I was pulled back in by a girl with short blonde hair standing behind the resister saying

“Can I help you?”

“Oh, yes, I’ll have a venti hot chocolate with 5 pumps of raspberry.” Those words just flew from my mouth, completely mindlessly.

Christopher orders and I take a seat. When he joins me, he brings my drink and his plain old black coffee.

“Okay, I got you your drink, now can we talk?”

I nodded.

“We are faced with a problem: John.” He said monotone, but concern in his eyes. I winced a little at the sound of his name. “There’s a fix. I can handle it, but it’s going to be messy, I won’t get into details, but I have to …terminate John.”

“Terminate?” I repeated  

He nodded

“Leila,” he began, I just stared at my hot chocolate, “I’m going to keep you out of this, but it won’t be immediate. The next time you hear from him, I want you to tell me.”

I nodded, feeling as if I had swallowed an apple.

“yeah.” I managed to choke out.

“I’m running to work now,” Christopher stood up and kissed me on the forehead “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I said, almost whispering.

“Want a ride back?” he asked

“No, I’d rather finish my drink and take a walk.”

Christopher hesitated

“Yeah, okay, I’ll meet you for lunch?”


Christopher left Starbucks. I just sat there, listened to the music, and watched the people walk by.

Each new person had their very own story. Watching the people who rush, sit, chill, relax, complain, and (my favorite) write run through for an hour, until I finally decide to leave.

Standing up, I find my way pacing through the city, on the sidewalks. My ipod headphones are now in my ears and I keep a steady walk to the beat of “Be Okay” by: Ingrid Michaelson. Ironic, huh?

So, my new boyfriend is going to kill my ex boyfriend, who I thought I killed, yet now walks the Earth as an undead creature doomed to hate me forever. Oh joy.  




Okay, there’s an update from the Succubus’ life! What will happen next? Oh my gosh, it’s so suspenseful! The best thing to do would comment! COMMENT! COMMENT! And wait and to read!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2011 ⏰

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