Chapter 21

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"Kill me now." I said, taking a gulp of my bottled water.

“It’s not going to be that bad.” Alexander said, as we both stared at the door. A few days earlier, after I found out about Judd, I sat and cried in my room. Alexander came to check on me and I told him what happened. He let me cry on his shoulder, harder than I ever had. After I got myself together, I told him that I just wanted to be friends.

“Is it the way I pronounce my Q’s?” He asked. I wiped my nose on my sleeve, looking up at him.


“When I was in middle school, my girlfriend dumped me because I pronounce my Q’s weird.” He admitted. I laughed a little, not believing what I was hearing.

“Middle school? Aren’t all relationships in middle school like that? Just plain ridiculous?” I said, admiring the way he was able to make me feel better.

“Yeah, but now I’m self-conscious about the way I pronounce them.”

“Well that’s not the reason.” I said, my voice shaking. “The reason is that, I’m not fully over Harry and I have a lot on my plate right now. I don’t want to focus on a relationship. Besides, you’re more like an older brother.”

He nodded. “Just know, whenever you need me, I’m right here.”

Now as I stood in front of the guest stars dressing room, the boy that broke my heart and my best friends waiting behind it, I wanted to die. “Ready?” Alexander asked.

“No. “I said. He rolled his eyes, knocking on the door anyway. The conversation that was going on behind the door stopped, and there was moving around. A few seconds later, a blonde head appeared at the door.

“Presley!” Niall exclaimed, going right for a hug.

“Niall!” I exclaimed back, hugging him tighter. One by one all the boys came and gave me a hug, all bedsides Harry, who didn’t seem to be in the room at the moment. 

After I had hugged all the boys, I looked around them and saw Danielle, Eleanor and a girlw ith brown hair all sitting there. As soon as Danielle and Eleanor saw me, they also attacked me in a bear hug.

"We've missed you so much!" They said, their British accents seeming crisp in my ears.

"I've missed you too!" I said, hugging them back. They both took a step back, motioning to the girl with brown hair. She gave a small wave, and I waved back. 

"This is Brynn," Danielle said. "She's Niall's girlfriend."  Brynn held out her hand, giving me a smile. I returned the smile and shook her hand. 

Within the next half an hour, the boys and I caught up on many months worth of bonding, I also got to see Louis brake a plastic chair that for some reason was in their room. We were all laughing hard and clutching our stomachs when the door opened.

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