Prologe (I think...)

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The wind whiped her hair around as she let out a sadistic laugh. She was free, finally free! Slowly, she tottered through the rubble of Azkaban and looked over the edge. It was a long fall, the force of the ocean hitting her brittle, delicate body would damage it. Out of the corner ofher eye, through the rain and mist, she saw a large cloaked figure. A Dementor. It was either now or never. And so she plunged into the ocean.

Hello, my dear, beautiful reader! Thank you for reading my book above all others! This is a first draft so I am dearly sorry for any mistakes. Thank you so dearly once again, I would love to know what you think so comment below.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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