Chapter 11 "Cat's Sorrow"

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Allen had been in his room for three whole days. Finally Lenalee came and made him come out. Allen went and took a bath then meet up with Lenalee again in the lunch room. Lenalee was careful to make sure that neither Kanda or Lavi were in the lunch room when the two of them got there. She didn't want Allen to feel any worse than what he already was feeling and she hoped by eating with him and the two of them talking things out, just might be what Allen needs to make him fell better. Well that and a ton of his favor foods.

"So tell me whats on your mind and do you have any plans for this weekend?" Asked Lenalee as she sat down beside Allen at the table to eat.

Allen purked up his cat ears and let this tail tip flick back and forth. "I don't have anything planned for this weekend at least not that I can think of and you already know whats on my mind, Lenalee." Said Allen as he took a bit of his food.

"You're still think about which one you want to be with. I understand that it's hard for you to choose between them Allen and keeping yourself locked up in your room isn't the way to handle things. That's why this weekend you and I are going to have some fun." Stated Lenalee.

Allen looked over at her with a puzzled and questioning look. He let his ears sage a bit and tilted his head to one side a bit. "And what are we doing this weekend, if I might ask?" Inquired Allen.

Lenalee smiled at him before answering. "We're going to go to the Cheery Blossom Festiveble in town this weekend or did you remember that you have something else to do?" Remarked Lenalee.

"I don't have anything else to do this weekend and that sounds like fun." Said Allen a smile on his face and his cat tail wagging.

"Great. Then we'll meet up at 8:00 Friday and spend the whole weekend in town." Said Lenalee cheerfully.

"Sounds like a plan." Said Allen.

Once the two of them had finished their lunch they headed off to their rooms to get ready for the weekend. Even though Allen agreed to go, he really wasn't feeling up for a weekend out on the town or even celebrating at a festivble. Yet he couldn't find away to say know to Lenalee, who was only looking out for him. So he was going to suck up and try to have a good time this weekend, even thought this weekend would cause him even more pain then he first thought.


"So we can drop our stuff off in our rooms and then walk around to see whats all going on at the festivble." Said Lenalee with a smile on her face and stars in her eyes.

"Alright. Do you want me to meet you outside of your room or down in the lobby?" Asked Allen his cat ears hidden under a hat and his tail pinned around his wast.

"I'll meet you outside your room Allen. That way I can help you pin your ears down before we go out." Said Lenalee a hint of seriesness in her voice.

"Alright." Was all Allen had said before he turned the door handle to his room and went in. Lenalee's room was right next door to Allen's. Allen sat his bag down on the bed and looked out the open window of his room. Outside he could see the booths and people moving around and among them he could hear children laughing and playing.


"Come on in Lenalee." Said Allen as he moved away from the window to the middle of the room as Lenalee came in and closed the door behind her.

"I have the hair pins if your ready for them." Said Lenaleen as she took the hair pins out of her poket and held them in her right hand. She looked up to Allen and gave him a small smile, cause she knew that it hurt Allen to have his ears and tail pinned down so that people won't see them.

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