Yearning For My Wolf Chapter 2-I Prefer Halfing, Thank You

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So I know you all hate me because it has been forever and a half since I have uploaded but thanks to the constant nagging of one of my friends I finally buckled down and finished chapter 2

I have no idea when the next chapter will be up so please don't be too angry with me.




I was up and out of my seat before anyone else could move. I hit the door at a dead run, having no regard for the fact that they were glass. My mate was in distress and I could feel his livid emotions as if they were my own.

I know I should have taken more precautious for my baby then running straight into trouble, but old habits die hard.

My head was pounding in my skull as my blood raced. It wasn’t until the front door came into view with Seth standing tall in its doorway did I slow for a moment. He seemed unharmed, angry as all hell but unharmed.

I took as second before I got closer to separate myself from Seth’s flooding emotions. I couldn’t think clearly when they hit me hard like that and for now it’s not just my safety that I have to worry about.

Tuning into what was being said at the door all I could gather was that someone from the Pack was here, with someone else we didn’t know.

“How stupid are you!” Seth continued to yell. At this point he wasn’t even asking questions even though whoever it was, was attempting to answer. 

“She’s my mate Seth. I have a right to bring her into my home!” That was Aden’s voice. He’s been gone for the past three weeks on Pack business and to search for his mate. He found her obviously.

“I don’t care of you bring her here. As long as it is after we have been notified first and had her completely checked over!” Seth was really working himself up. I could see the muscles in his back and neck clenching and tightening under his white tee-shirt. “Exceptionally knowing what she is.”

So that means that Aden’s mate isn’t a wolf. Could she be human then?

I was approaching the yelling men on soft feet. I couldn’t really see past Seth so I had no idea who this mystery woman looked like, but I intended to find out.

I was only a few feet away when I heard Aden growl out, “You know witches are a neutral party in our wars.”

“I didn’t know witches existed.” I said only a few sparse feet from Seth. He turned is body slightly towards me and giving me a small gap to see the other side of the doorway.

“I didn’t know half-breeds did either.” An unseen voice quirked. 

I was able to see past Seth enough to spot this ‘witch’ of a woman. She was talker than me but not by much, and had exotically rich dark skin. Her hair was long and black, cascading down her shoulders and back.

“I prefer Halfling, thank you.” I responded with a smirk.

“Casee what are you doing here?” Seth demanded cutting off the witch’s response.

I turned towards Seth and pinned him with a look. “I believe this is my house and I can go anywhere I wish in it.”  

“Yes but-” I lashed my annoyance at him like a whip through our connection, warning him not to finish his sentence. He decided to choose wisely.  Instead he wrapped an arm around my waist laying his hand against the side of my stomach, like he was trying to protect the baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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