All My Life ch. 1

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Chapter 1

I can't exactly remember when it happened. I remember running, my heart beating of my chest. I remember the feeling of his icy breath on my neck. Then, the searing pain, and the black out. When I woke up, I knew something was different. I was laying in an ally, it looked cold and damp but I felt nothing. I breathed in but I couldn't feel the cold air or winter in London enter my lungs. I stood up, quicker than I thought possible. Everything looked so vivid and new. I could see each individual snowflake perfectly. Lights were strung everywhere. I could smell everything too, the cat at the back of the ally I hadn't even seen yet, bread in the bakery across the street, and the ham and cheese sandwich the guy on the corner was eating. I inhaled again, more smells filled my nose. Then, I smelled something that completely caught me off guard. Blood. It was a strong smell, that didn't scare me, it was the fact that i could smell it that did. I breathed in and I smelled the blood of the guy on the corner, the cat, rats, everything. I heard a chuckle from the back of the ally. "don't fret" the voice said, "you will be safe with me" I turned and saw a man. Tall and slender, his eyes deep and dark, his hair almost black. He smiled. "I have been following you." he said mysteriously. I turned to run but he darted from the back of the ally to in front of me, faster than I thought possible. "you can't go anywhere" he said. My eyes widened. "who are you?" I managed to say. "you'll learn in time" he said. And he was gone again.

Fear. I didn't know what I was afraid of, or why. Maybe it was the fact that I woke up in an ally, with a strange man lurking. I tried to clear my head. Then I heard him. "are you alright?" his voice said. I whirled around, trying to find him. "you won't find me love, not now. But later you will" his voice was mysterious and intriguing, soft yet serious. "where is he?" I thought. "I'm in your head." he answered. "I can read your thoughts" he said, "I can get inside your head, make you see things" then, I saw places I knew flash through my brain. My old house, the new house, school, the mall, Amy's house. "how did you-" he cut off my thoughts "these are places where I've seen you. Now don't be alarmed. Just listen to me, and I will explain" something about his voice, perhaps the softness, perhaps the sureness, perhaps something else, but it made me trust him. "alright" I thought. "good" then more images flashed through my mind. They were directions. "go to each of these places, you will find me" he said.

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