Chapter Thirteen

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I woke the next morning to the sound of my own groaning and Conor whispering, 'Shhh,' in my ear while stroking the hair off my face. He was still pressed up behind me, one hand entwined with mine where I'd grasped it last night.

And while this all got my immediate attention, it was quickly and brutally shoved to the side by the aching in my limbs and chest. My head was pounding.

'There's some codeine on your bedside table,' Conor murmured, when he noticed I'd woken up, and I blindly reached out for it, downing the horrible tasting liquid in three gulps.

'Thanks,' I mumbled, laying my head carefully back on the pillow. Already I could feel the powerful painkiller rushing through my system and I waited gratefully for it to numb me.

'Don't thank me,' Conor mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep. 'I just woke up. I thought you were having a messy dream at the start.'

I was too tired and in too much pain still to be embarrassed. 'Oh. Sorry for waking for you... Did you sleep okay?'

Conor turned his head to look at me. 'Better,' he mumbled, his smile melting me. 'There's a note tied to your foot. By the way.'

I lifted my foot, which was sticking out from under the covers, and saw that there was indeed a note tied on around my ankle. Only Josh would do something as dumb as that. I glanced over to his bed and noticed it was empty; it didn't look slept in.

'Can you get it?' I asked. 'I don't think I can move.'

Conor rolled his eyes but sat forward and then stopped. 'Um. Tyler?'

I blinked up at him. 'Yeah?'

He lifted our intertwined fingers. 'You're gonna have to let go.'

'Oh!' This time I did blush, dropping his hand like it was hot coal. I waited for his smug smirk but he just sort of smiled slightly and untied the note around my ankle, handing it to me.

Oh my god my best friend's a whore. I come back from the (lamest) party (ever) and find you in bed with another man. Incidentally, if you are wondering where I am, it's in Conor's bed. Oh yeah, that's right. I'm in your boyfriend's bed! In order to give you some privacy... I'm sharing a room with Tarquin... You owe me man. You really do.

Josh X

'What's it say?'

'Josh is in your bed.'

'Well I hope he doesn't find all my gay porn magazines,' Conor said breezily, resting back down on the pillow. I stared at him in shock. 'Relax, I'm joking. I didn't even know how guys did it, remember?'

I bit my lip to keep from laughing as I remembered trying to explain about the prostate to Conor in detention, laying my head on his chest and letting my eyes drift closed as one of his arms fell around my shoulders naturally. We stayed like that for a few moments, my breathing becoming regular again as I tried to sneakily take in his smell without him noticing.

'Come on, creepy,' he said eventually, shifting under me and causing me to sit up. I blushed; he'd noticed the smelling thing then. 'Let's see the damage.'

'Huh?' The codeine had me nice and numb all over, I had no idea what he was talking about.

'Lay back.'

I did what I was told, foolishly expecting some sort of sexual reward. I was, obviously, mistaken, and realised this as he reached out and started peeling bandages off my face. Embarrassing. He looked at them disgustedly before tossing them in the bin.

Then he brought his attention back to me.


'What?' Was I disfigured? Had those horrible little brats broken my nose or something? I brought my hands up to my face worriedly, but Conor caught my wrists and forced them back down gently before I could check the damage.

Frustration -SERIES- [Part 1] [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now