Love Me And Don't You Dare Ever Go

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XxX Skyler XxX

Carly screams - again. I cover my head with a pillow and groan. Today's the first day of school and I don't want to start senior year in a grumpy mood. Carly's crying is really starting to get to me. I love the kid, but this is honestly making me crazy. Beside me, Mom (Sophie) sighs and starts to get up. I put my hand on her shoulder and gently push her back down.

"I'll get her," I mumble. She rests her head back on a pillow and closes her eyes.

"Thanks you," she groans. I sigh and get up out of bed, in my Spiderman pajama bottoms, and being shirtless at the same time. I know. It's sexy.

As I walk closer to Carly's room, I can hear her crying become clearer. I sigh and open her white and flower print door, walking to her crib. She's standing and holding onto the railing, her night gown wrinkled and her hair in crazy little curls. Carly is my baby sister. But we're not related. Let me explain this to you before things get too complicated.

I am - or was - a foster child. I did not get along with many of my foster brothers and sisters because I would play by myself and preferred quiet to crazy. But, there was this one teenage boy, Danny. He was my favorite foster brother and acted like a brother to me and a best friend. If not, a father.

One day, Danny got a girlfriend, Sophie, and they became serious. She stayed with him through everything, and helped him through, especially with his cancer. Eventually, they got married. Then Danny got Sophie pregnant with Carly. But only a couple months after Sophie became pregnant, Danny passed away from cancer. The only other close person to Sophie was me and the only other close person to me was Sophie.

So she adopted me. And thus, Carly was born. Sophie and Danny were basically my parents, and now that Sophie adopted me, I think of her even more as a mom.

Anyway, those terrible turn of events happened only three years ago. As I look at Carly, I realize how much she looks like Sophie. She has Sophie's brown hair, caramel eyes, creamy skin and rosy cheeks. I pick Carly up and pat her back, bouncing her in my arms at the same time. Who said only woman could multi - task?

Carly stops crying eventually, and looks up at me with shining eyes. "Sky," she whimpers. My mood immediately softens. I'm sorry, but she's too cute sometimes.

"Yeah, cutie?" I ask. She digs her head into my neck.

"Hungee," she says. She means hungry. I smile softly and carry her to the kitchen. I situate her in her highchair and then look in the fridge.

"Let's see . . . what can I feed a two yeah old?" I ask myself and roam my eyes over the food.

"Chocowate!" Carly orders from behind me. I look back at her.


"Yeah," she demands. Someone is prissy this morning. I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Mmm . . . I don't think so. The Chocolate. . Fairy. . has a plan to . . . take everyone's chocolate and make one big chocolate bar," I lie. I'm terrible at lying to children. I don't even believe I sound convincing.

Carly gasps. "Fairy? Why?" Her eyes sparkle in curiosity. Is she buying this? . . . Yes she is.

"Um. There is this huge unicorn," I say.

Carly gasps again and slaps her highchair. "How big?!"

"As big as this!" I say and open my arms as wide as I can. "The unicorn wants chocolate really bad, and if it doesn't get it, the fairy's secret layer will explode!"

"No!" Carly shakes her head.

"Yes! So if you don't want fairies to explode, crushed watermelon is what you will eat for breakfast," I say. She makes a face, but nods.

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