Emo In Distress (Chapter 1)

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Just keep walking, Gerard said to himself. They're just jealous of my awesome hair. God, I love my hair.

The children walking by spat on the child and laughed as the blood poured from his open wounds. They hated him more than they hated fried peanuts. They all wished he would just die. He also smelled like poop.

"Hey, fish!" cried one of the children.

"What do you wantttttt?" whined Gerard.

"Your hair is greasy, just like your mom!"

"Ohhh, why does everybody hate meeee?"

Gerard ran into the girls bathroom, causing the inhabitants to spit into his shoes then evacuate like a junebug from a duck. He ran over to a stall and projectile vomited. Damn this pregnancy, he thought to himself. He then picked himself off of the ground after violently convulsing, dusted off his black skinnies, and walked out of the bathroom.

"FISH! HEY!" cried one of the goth kids.

Why the hell do they always call me fish?wondered Gerard. I can't help my greasy hair.

 "FISH. Answer me when I talk to you!" demanded the other goth child.

"Whattttt?!?!??" whined Gerard gaily.

"What music do you listen to?"

"DON'T JUDGE ME YOU MEAN PERSON!" cried Gerard, running into his first period class.

Emo In DistressWhere stories live. Discover now