What Christmas Is All About ! (:

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One upon a time, there was this little boy called Carl. Carl was a 6 year old black boy who didn't have much. His family never really gave him anything for Christmas because they didn't have any money, but, when they did, they gave him a "Hot Wheelez Toy Car" . He loved those and he collected them. He was so grateful for eveything his parents did for him and got him. He never even asked his mother can she buy he it because he didn't want to put stress on her and he said "mom, I can live without, all I need is your love". He would always repeat that same thing every single time she would ask him "Carl, what do you want for Christmas?"

While there was Carl, there was this other boy on the other part of town. His name was Roger. Roger lived in a mansion with his mother, father, and grandparents. He had all you could ever imagine . His mom asked him, "Hun, what do you want for Christmas?" and he would always reply "I want everything, and If I dont get it I will bring the Niggers for you." She would always get scared. He was a very ungrateful, petty, small boy.

On Christmas Eve, while Roger was in the passenger seat of his father's Bently, his mother asked "Can you please put gas in the car son, please! My feet hurt from my 7-inch Loubitons." He didn't want to do it but he finally got up because he had to use the restroom. When he got out of his Bently he saw Carl. Carl was begging for money for his mom for her Christmas gift. They bumped into each other and he was like "Hey , watch where you are going !"  and Carl replied "Im so sorry , do you mind to lend me any change for I can buy my mother a christmas gift?" Roger gave him a fresh 100 dollar bill. as he said "Oh hey, you can have THIS ONE." Carl had a humongous smile on his face and said "Thank you, thank you sir!" They had a conversation and Carl said," well, I hope you enjoy your Christmas with your mom." Roger said "with my mom? I don't celebrate it with my mom."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2013 ⏰

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