Chapter 9- My Thief's Blood

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◆Alpha Daniel's P.O.V◆

Where the hell is she and who took her from me? I ran, following her faint scent. All of a sudden, her scent was gone. I searched around franticlly, trying to pick up the slightest clue as to where she was.

What the fuck? No. It can't just disappear, Daniel. My wolf was growling and snarling, seconds away from going crazy again like he did when we found out she was pregnant. Two lives were in danger, two lives I had sworn to protect from the moment I found her in that cell. It's automatically a rule that goes in your head when you find your mate.

Someone was smart enough and sprayed an undetectable liquid. It blocks out any scent for us wolves, to follow. This person was smart, I could tell.

I looked for another mile towards the direction her scent was leading to and found dragging trails. It seems as if someone was dragged up into-

Look in that cabin! Without thinking, I ran and burst through the door. There was a bed and a table in the small space. I recognized the matress Chloe was on, from the picture. Another scent hit me, Jerry's. Then another unfamiliar one.

If Jerry was behind this, he would pay with his life. Not only was it treason, but it was against my laws. They took a truck, I could clearly see the wheel's marks that I followed until I got to a street. I ran beside it, hidden from anyone's view while following his scent.


My legs ached. I had switched from my wolf form, changed and ran, to give my wolf a break from running. Blood pumped through my veins, an adrenaline so strong,  I couldnt control it. My body was drenched in sweat, but I couldn't stop- I wouldn't stop. If I died, I would die trying to rescue the woman that walked straight into my heart and stole it. She was my personal thief. With a simple smile, she broke my walls that not even all my warriors put together, could break. She didn't even have to try. Shattered into pieces lay the thick walls, that I had spent so many years building, at my feet.

A strong scent hit my nose and I automatically detected it as Chloe's blood. I ran towards the direction of it and was met with a small pool of blood. A loud growl emitted from within my throat and my body shook in anger.

They hurt her and my child.

Blind with rage, I followed my thief's scent.

** Author's Note **

I don't know why ch 7 and 8 are mixed, I tried fixing it, but it appears in order on my create. So sorry ♥

-MariFer ♥

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