Chapter 18

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(8man PoV)

" will be gone Hat-chan." Mom answers my question as she ruffles my hair, what's up with that? Didn't you tell me not to mess up my hair.

"Doesn't wine leave a stain mom?"

"Well, luckily I'm wearing a black dress and I managed to clean off most of it." She answers as her gaze looks across the hall.

"Anyways, I believe the dancing will start soon Hat-chan. Let's get to a corner so that we're not in the way of the dancing couples."

"Umm, actually mom..."

"Yes?" She gives me a raised eyebrow, social interactions like dance have plagued me for years. No wonder she finds my absence of mute obedience to be unusual.

"Well...I've actually got to dance mom."

"My my, well if you do want to put those lessons to use then I guess I'll tag along for a bit. But just remember that I'm here for work and..."

It seems that my statement has been completely misunderstood, not that I can blame her. But seriously mom, I'm not asking you for a dance here...although I wish I could've had you or Komachi there on the night of that accursed mixer.

I mean even that teacher wasn't willing to dance with me.

"Well mom, unbelievable as it may sound, somebody asked me to be her partner for the dance tonight."

My response gives an almost predictable reaction, mom nearly chokes on her many has she had tonight? Well anyways she chokes on the drink, shock clearly registered on her face. However she desists from speaking anything as she lets my words sink in.


Her eyes narrow as she asks me the question, and honestly she's scaring me right now.

"I-it's a girl I met a few moments ago mom." I highly doubt she knows Kuroki, but I think my reply should suffice.

"Who is she Hachiman?" Her voice is like steel, scary,!

"Her name is Kuroki Koyuki, I just me her."

Mom's narrow gaze is washed off her face as she taps on her glass, few moments pass before her face brightens up and she smiles.

"Oh my Hat-chan, I didn't expect you to become a hit so soon," her face darkens a little before she continues, "You're your father's son afterall I guess."

What? Did you do something at one of these things to make her mad old man?

"Anyways, it's good to see that those lessons I drove you to back then are finally going to bear some fruit." She pats my back quite proudly as she smiles, though I do think she doesn't really believe me.

"I guess so, anyways I'll get going mom." With that I waved slightly before I moved near the chandelier in the middle of the hall, quite a few people were gathering near the place as I saw a small orchestra tuning its instruments on the stage. Man these rich folks like fancy stuff, I mean wouldn't a music system be cheaper?

"Hey Hikigaya!" I hear a rather familiar voice call out to me as I turn to face the speaker. She approaches me, her long black hair flowing slightly as she walks. I can't help but notice...

"Something bugging you Kuroki?"

"Why would you ask that Hikigaya?" Her tone carries an undertone of irritation, but I'm used to far worse.

"Well," I point a finger to her hand, "That's a new glass, and from the scent I assume that's not wine."

She sighs as she motions to a waiter and putting the half empty glass in the tray. Looking around the crowd she moves in slightly close to me as she speaks.

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