chapter 38: part two

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comment the last thing you drank and add "quisha" to the end. That's your ghetto name.

mine is greenteaquisha ;)


"Go ahead, do them." Liam ushers me, while I huff. It's just like the old days, really.

"Liam," I am pretty sure it's considered whining, but I couldn't care less. "Cut me some slack, man! I just did twenty pushups on here and people nearly jumped on my legs. I could have died!"

"You'll be fine, Jo," Liam laughs, before making his voice stern. "Now do them."

"You suck, dude," I stick out my lip, standing up wearily on the inflatable surface.

Liam crosses his arms as he stares at me, "The quicker you get these done, the more fun we can have. Come on, Jo, you can do it. Don't make me force you."

"Blah blah blah," I wave him off and begin to do my fifty jumping jacks. I see why he made me do these; the surface makes me put more force on my legs each time I jump. It's actually kind of fun, so I start making goofy faces at him each time i'm in the air.

Liam laughs at me, shaking his head at my weirdness. I'm happy i'm making him smile, though, so I continue to make them at him.

"You are so strange," he chuckles.

"Nope. Maybe i'm the only normal one, and everyone else is strange."

Liam laughs, "Well that could be the case. However, it's not and there's this girl named Jolissa Philips who is just so odd. But fortunately, I happen to be in love with her even though she's making awkward faces in mid-air."

"Funny, her name sounds familiar," I remark, finishing off my last few jumping jacks.

Those actually went by quicker than I thought.

"That's because it thankfully belongs to you," he grins at me.

I know i'm an oddball, and i've learnt to accept that. But the fact that Liam loves me for being one, makes me even more determined.

"True," I smile back, with my hands on my hips. I am tired, but it's not as bad as when I first started training with him.

Geez, those were the fatigued days. I'll tell you now, though, that i'm more than likely going to be sore tomorrow.

Without warning, Liam pulls me to his chest and kisses my lips quickly.

"Woah, what was that for?" I say in shock, even though I wouldn't mind him doing it again.

And maybe even going lower...


"Because I wanted to," he shrugs, slyly lifting the corners of his lips.

"Well I want to kiss you like ninety percent of the time i'm with you, but I don't," I say, not thinking about what I even say before saying it.

Great job keeping your own secrets in your brain, Jolissa. You're a real pro.

"Oh, really?" He cocks a thick eyebrow, before using his hand to pull me closer.

"No kissing on here!" A boyish voice calls near us, and our heads turn to look at a brunette boy making weird faces at us.

"Where are your parents even at?" I ask him, looking around but all I see are other people our age- or teens- hopping around on the trampolines.

"I don't need parents to watch me!" He huffs putting his hands on his hips, sticking out his pink tongue at me.

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